The slocs-v relative to retinotopy.
a. Top: Left (LH) and right (RH) hemispheres of the inflated fsaverage surface displaying the probabilistic locations of retinotopic maps from over 50 individuals from Wang and colleagues (Wang et al., 2015) (black outlines). The predicted slocs-v location from the MPMs is overlaid in orange (as in Fig. 4). (i), (ii), and (iii) point out the retinotopic maps in the cortical expanse spanning the TOS, IPS-PO, and IPS, respectively. b. Same format as in a, but with a map of the mean R2 metric from the HCP retinotopy dataset (Benson et al., 2018) overlayed on the fsaverage surfaces (thresholded between R2 values of 10% and 90%). This metric measures how well the fMRI time series at each vertex is explained by a population receptive field (pRF) model. The mean and max R2 values for the slocs-v MPM in each hemisphere are included below each surface.