Spatially resolved maps of mean kurtosis shown for two example slices and two different subjects, Subject 3 rescan slice 71 (Panel A) and Subject 5 slice 74 (Panel B), based on SNR reduction of the Connectome 1.0 DW-MRI data.
Individual maps were generated using the sub-diffusion model framework (K*), considering optimal and sub-optimal four non-zero b-value sampling schemes. Here, two b-values with Δ = 19 ms and two b-values with Δ = 49 ms were selected for each case. The optimal b-values were chosen as the best for each SNR shown in Table 1. The sub-optimal b-values were chosen to have an R2 = 0.3, 0.45, 0.5 to be about half of the maximum R2, for SNR = 6 (b = 800, 1500,200,2300 s/mm2), SNR = 10 (b = 1500, 3450, 6750, 13500 s/mm2) and SNR = 20 (b = 3450, 4750, 2300, 4250 s/mm2), respectively. The benchmark kurtosis map is provided in Figure 6.