Figures and data

Chemoattractant stimulation elicits competing volume responses in primary human neutrophils
(A) Schematic detailing the neutrophil activation process. (B) Schematic detailing the Fluorescence Exclusion Microscopy (FxM) approach for measuring single cell volumes, which relies on cells displacing an extracellular dye in a shallow microfluidic chamber. The inset shows an example cell with the cell footprint and local background indicated by the solid or dashed teal lines, respectively. The scale bar is 10um. (C) Primary human neutrophil tracks over 15 minute time windows before (left) and after (right) the uncaging of the fMLP chemoattractant. Randomly selected example cells in the bottom panel show neutrophil shape before and after activation. All scale bars are 50um. (D) Primary human neutrophil normalized volume responses following chemoattractant stimulation (Volunteer N = 4, Cells = 440 total). Inset details the volume loss due to spreading immediately after uncaging. Cells initially lose volume during the spreading phase following the chemoattractant stimulation and then significantly increase in volume. The line plotted is the average of the median cell response for each volunteer, and the shaded region is the 95% CI of the mean. See Movie SV1 for an animated version. (E) The normalized footprint area of primary human neutrophils responding to chemoattractant. The line is the average across biological replicates of median cell footprint area at each timepoint. The footprint area shows a monotonic increase in response to activation with cell spreading prior to initiation of movement. (F) Single representative cell trace imaged with high time resolution to highlight the cell motility-related volume fluctuations. Top section depicts the cell track with the FxM images overlaid at key time points that are linked with cyan arrows to the corresponding volumes in the bottom plot. Bottom section is a scatter plot of the raw volume values, with the thick cyan line depicting the rolling median volume. See Movie SV2 for an animated version. Scale bar is 50um. (G) Mean of the per-replicate median cell velocities computed at each time point. The shaded area is the standard deviation at each time point. Cell migration begins to increase in the early spreading phase following chemoattractant stimulation and then continues to increase over the next 20 minutes following stimulation.

Genome-wide screen identifies regulators of chemoattractant-induced cell swelling
(A) Schematic detailing the buoyant density assay. The addition of fMLP causes cells to swell and decrease their density. As a result, the stimulated cells float higher in the Percoll density gradient. (B) Representative image of cell density shift following chemoattractant stimulation. Millions of cells appear as white fuzzy bands (indicated with the arrows). Cells in the right tube are stimulated with 20 nM chemoattractant (fMLP), causing them to swell and float higher in the gradient. (C) Violin plots quantifying the relative cell numbers as a function of density. Individual lines link replicate pairs. WT cells shift from 1.055g/mL to 1.050g/mL upon stimulation, while FPR1 KO cells do not shift following fMLP stimulation. (D) Schematic detailing the buoyant density-based genome-wide CRISPR knockout screen for identifying cells that are deficient at chemoattractant-induced cell swelling. (E) Volcano plot of the results of the chemoattractant-induced cell swelling screen. Genes that showed large inhibition of cell swelling and consistent behavior across their targeting guides appear in the upper right. The genes selected for further analysis are highlighted for a more complete list see Table S1. (F) Schematic outlining a potential pathway from chemoattractant stimulation to cell swelling.

Mechanistically separating chemoattractant versus motility-based volume changes
(A) Knockout of NHE1 or AE2 completely inhibits the chemoattractant-induced swelling in neutrophil-like differentiated HL-60 cells. (B) NHE1 inhibition in human primary neutrophils blocks fMLP-induced swelling but does not inhibit the spreading-induced volume loss. An animated version is available as Video SV4. (Ctrl: Volunteer N = 4, iNHE1: Volunteer N = 6). (C) The distributions of single cell volumes 30 minutes post-chemoattractant stimulation demonstrates that the NHE1 inhibited neutrophils remain close to the pre-stimulation volumes, i.e. 1.0 on the ordinate (D) NHE1 inhibited neutrophils have similar increases in their footprint area when they spread and begin moving following fMLP stimulation. (E) High temporal resolution imaging of the motility-induced volume fluctuations starting at 30 minutes post-stimulation demonstrate that both control and NHE1-inhibited neutrophils show similar short-term volume fluctuations around significantly different baselines (dashed lines). For an animated version, see Video SV2 and Video SV3.

The chemoattractant-driven volume gain is necessary and sufficient for rapid cell migration following stimulation
(A) Comparison of control (blue) or NHE1-inhibited (yellow) primary human neutrophil migration following chemoattractant stimulation. Mean of the per-replicate median cell velocities is shown, with the shaded area indicating standard deviation at each time point. (Ctrl: Volunteer N = 4, iNHE1: Volunteer N = 6). (B) Contour plots of the average velocity versus average normalized volume for single unperturbed neutrophils for the initial 10 minute window following stimulation (early) and from 20-30 minutes following stimulation (late). (C) Contour plots of the average velocity versus average normalized volume for single NHE1-inhibited neutrophils for the initial 10 minute window following stimulation (early) and from 20-30 minutes following stimulation (late). (D) Dilution of imaging media with 20% water led to a ∼15% increase in the median cell volumes of iNHE1 cells (iNHE1 Osmo; red) versus iNHE1 cells in normal media (yellow). Volumes are normalized relative to the median iNHE1 cell volume. This is similar to the magnitude of chemoattractant-induced swelling in control cells. The black lines connect conditions where both conditions were measured for the same volunteer. (iNHE1 Osmo: Volunteer N = 3, 4 total replicates; iNHE1: Volunteer N = 6) (E) Testing the ability of cell swelling to rescue the migration defect in NHE1-inhibited neutrophils. Mean of the pre-replicate median cell velocities computed at each time point for NHE1 inhibited cells (yellow) versus mildly hypoosmotically swollen NHE1 inhibited cells (red). Shaded area is the standard deviation at each time point. (iNHE1 Osmo: Volunteer N = 3, 4 total replicates; iNHE1: Volunteer N = 6). See Video SV5 for representative chemokinetic behavior. (F) Summary schematic. Cell swelling collaborates with actin polymerization to potentiate chemoattractant-induced cell migration.

Details and validation of the Fluorescence eXclusion Microscopy pipeline
(A) Overview of the modified FxM pipeline used in this work. Raw FxM images are segmented into “seeds,” which are then tracked. To identify cell boundaries, we use a custom algorithm that involves denoising the raw FxM followed by edge detection and watershedding that was nucleated at the seeds. Finally, to extract the volumes we apply minimal processing with a custom flatfield correction algorithm followed by extraction using the previously-determined cell boundaries. (B) Examples of resting (left) and migrating (right) cells segmented and tracked using the pipeline above (S1A). (C) Quantifying the signal-to-noise tradeoff with the edge detection. Overly conservative or overly liberal segmentation leads to non-optimal volume measurement. The chosen cutoff (black line) balances the noise (red) and measured volume (blue). This was computed on unstimulated cells. (D) Injecting beads into the FxM chambers in refractive-index media to minimize distortions allows for true calibration of chamber height. The contour plot of the per-bead max signal depth (i.e. height of the beads from FxM) vs the measured volume using FxM is well fit by the spherical volume formula (salmon line). The intersection of this line with 1.0 on the abscissa is equivalent to a sphere that completely fills the chambers and indicates the true height of the chamber. (E) Comparing calibrated FxM volumes of the beads (cyan) against the gold standard Coulter counter (salmon) shows good agreement. (F) dHL-60 cells treated with 1uM Latruculin-B swell in response to chemoattractant stimulation but lack cell spreading and spreading-related volume loss.

Chemoattractant-induced swelling genome-wide CRISPR KO screen hits
Rankings determined using MAGeCK Li et al. (2014). Fold change is the median fold enrichment in the dense bin versus the other two bins of the functional guides. FDR is the false discovery rate of each gene given the distribution of negative control guides in the library. See Methods section for details.

Volunteer Demographic Information
Demographic information collected for the volunteer donors according to the Institutional Review Board-approved study protocol at the University of California - San Francisco (Study #21-35147)

Guides used to make single gene knockouts in HL-60s
The two highest performing guides from the genome-wide screen were chosen to make single gene knockouts in the HL-60 cell line. See Methods for details.

Validation of buoyant density assay and its use in CRISPR KO genome-wide screen for swelling regulators
(A) Varying the amount of Percoll shows the linear relationship between the refractive index (as measured by a refractometer) and the density as determined by weighing solutions in a volumetric flask on an analytical balance. (B) Measuring the refractive index of different fractions from the gradient shows a high degree of linearity in buoyant density. (C) Simulation of the settling behavior of the control (teal) and stimulated cells (gold) in the Percoll gradients under a centrifugal force of 250xg. The cells are predicted to arrive at their isopycnic point after approximately one hour. (D) The binning strategy for the screen for the control (left) and stimulated (right) conditions. For each replicate of each condition, the cells were split across 6 different tubes and these were combined into 3 bins to balance the minimum number of cells per bin with the resolution gained from multiple bins. (E) Previously published essential genes from Evers et al. (2016) and Wang et al. (2015), in green and purple, respectively, were highly depleted from the population, validating functionality of our CRISPR-based knockout library. (F) Ponder’s relation for dHL-60s in suspension. Increasing amounts of hyperosmolarity drives the osmotically active fraction of the volume out of the cell, and projecting out to infinite osmolarity gives 65% of the cell volume as osmotically active.

Additional validation of swelling screen hits
(A) Mixed WT and CRISPR KO dHL-60 populations post-stimulation show that CA2 (black) and PI3Ky (green) KO both fail to decrease their densities as much as the WT (cyan) population following chemoattractant stimulation. Cells with negative control guides (light grey) have normal volume responses. (B) PI3Kδ/γ inhibition completely blocks the chemoattractant-induced volume change in primary human neutrophils. (C) To validate the FxM results, primary human neutrophils were stimulated in suspension, and their volumes were measured using a Coulter counter (WT replicates = 4, NHE1 = 2). 20 nM fMLP was added at the 0 minute marker. (D) PI3Kδ/γ inhibition blocked the chemoattractant-drive shape change in human primary neutrophils, as measured by the change in footprint area in FxM (E) The coefficient of variation in volume for control (cyan) and iNHE1 (gold) human primary neutrophils undergoing chemokinesis are comparable, suggesting that the volume fluctuations are unchanged upon NHE1 inhibition despite the different baseline volumes.

Additional validation of motility phenotypes
(A) Control neutrophils show an increased angular alignment upon stimulation as their motility becomes directional. NHE1-inhibition has very little effect on this process. (B) PI3Kδ/γ completely blocked the chemoattractant-induced motility increase in primary human neutrophils

Primary human neutrophils show a biphasic volume response to chemoattractant stimulation
Left panel shows the individual cells (cyan solid lines) with their individual localities (dashed lines). The actual FxM signal is visible within the cell footprints. The movie is 40 minutes long with chemoattractant uncaging after the first 10 minutes. The scale bar is 50 um. The right panel shows the corresponding median volume of the population (cyan) with the 95% confidence interval (light cyan). The volume is relative to the average over the two minute window prior to uncaging.

Single cell volume tracking reveals motility-associated volume changes in migrating primary human neutrophils
Top panel shows a representative cell migrating starting at 40 minutes following chemoattractant stimulation. The solid cyan line is the cell track. The cell’s footprint is denoted with a solid cyan line while its local background is encapsulated by the dashed cyan line. The scale bar is 50 um. The bottom panel shows the concurrent volume changes with the raw FxM measurements displayed in light cyan and the rolling median is shown in cyan. The volume is normalized to the median cell volume in the two minute window prior to stimulation.

NHE1-inhibited primary human neutrophils retain the motility-related volume fluctuations but at much lower baseline volumes
Top panel shows a representative cell migrating starting at 30 minutes following chemoattractant stimulation. The solid gold line is the cell track and the cell’s footprint is denoted with a solid gold line while its local background is encapsulated by the dashed gold line. The scale bar is 50 um. The bottom panel shows the concurrent volume changes with the raw FxM measurements displayed in light gold and the rolling median is shown in gold. The volume is normalized to the median cell volume in the two minute window prior to stimulation.

NHE1 inhibition blocks chemoattractantinduced cell swelling and impairs chemokinesis
Left panel shows the individual cells (cyan or gold solid lines) with their individual localities (dashed lines). The top left panel are control cells (cyan) and the bottom left are NHE1 inhibited (gold). The actual FxM signal is visible within the cell footprints. The movie is 40 minutes long with chemoattractant uncaging after the first 10 minutes. The scale bars are 50 um. The right panel shows the corresponding median volume of the population in cyan and gold for control and iNHE1, respectively. The corresponding 95% confidence interval is in light cyan or gold. The volume is relative to the average over the two minute window prior to uncaging.

NHE1-inhibition leads to impaired motility versus control, which is rescued by mild hypoosmotic shock
Each panel is a representative video of control, NHE1-inhibited, and hypoosmotically shocked NHE1-inhibited cells, respectively. Each video is 40 minutes long and chemoattractant uncaging occurs after 10 minutes. Scale bars are 50 um.