Foveated metamers of the early visual system

  1. Flatiron Institute, Simons Foundation
  2. Meta, Inc.
  3. Department of Psychology, New York University
  4. Center for Neural Science, New York University
  5. Courant Inst. for Mathematical Sciences, New York University

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, and public reviews.

Read more about eLife’s peer review process.


  • Reviewing Editor
    Floris de Lange
    Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Nijmegen, Netherlands
  • Senior Editor
    Timothy Behrens
    University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom

Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

This is an interesting study of the nature of representations across the visual field. The question of how peripheral vision differs from foveal vision is a fascinating and important one. The majority of our visual field is extra-foveal yet our sensory and perceptual capabilities decline in pronounced and well-documented ways away from the fovea. Part of the decline is thought to be due to spatial averaging ('pooling') of features. Here, the authors contrast two models of such feature pooling with human judgments of image content. They use much larger visual stimuli than in most previous studies, and some sophisticated image synthesis methods to tease apart the prediction of the distinct models.

More importantly, in so doing, the researchers thoroughly explore the general approach of probing visual representations through metamers-stimuli that are physically distinct but perceptually indistinguishable. The work is embedded within a rigorous and general mathematical framework for expressing equivalence classes of images and how visual representations influence these. They describe how image-computable models can be used to make predictions about metamers, which can then be compared to make inferences about the underlying sensory representations. The main merit of the work lies in providing a formal framework for reasoning about metamers and their implications, for comparing models of sensory processing in terms of the metamers that they predict, and for mapping such models onto physiology. Importantly, they also consider the limits of what can be inferred about sensory processing from metamers derived from different models.

Overall, the work is of a very high standard and represents a significant advance over our current understanding of perceptual representations of image structure at different locations across the visual field. The authors do a good job of capturing the limits of their approach and I particularly appreciated the detailed and thoughtful Discussion section and the suggestion to extend the metamer-based approach described in the MS with observer models. The work will have an impact on researchers studying many different aspects of visual function including texture perception, crowding, natural image statistics, and the physiology of low- and mid-level vision.

The main weaknesses of the original submission relate to the writing. A clearer motivation could have been provided for the specific models that they consider, and the text could have been written in a more didactic and easy-to-follow manner. The authors could also have been more explicit about the assumptions that they make.

Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

This paper expands on the literature on spatial metamers, evaluating different aspects of spatial metamers including the effect of different models and initialization conditions, as well as the relationship between metamers of the human visual system and metamers for a model. The authors conduct psychophysics experiments testing variations of metamer synthesis parameters including type of target image, scaling factor, and initialization parameters, and also compare two different metamer models (luminance vs energy). An additional contribution is doing this for a field of view larger than has been explored previously.

General Comments
Overall, this paper addresses some important outstanding questions regarding comparing original to synthesized images in metamer experiments and begins to explore the effect of noise vs image seed on the resulting syntheses. While the paper tests some model classes that could be better motivated, and the results are not particularly groundbreaking, the contributions are convincing and undoubtedly important to the field. The paper includes an interesting Voronoi-like schematic of how to think about perceptual metamers, which I found helpful, but for which I do have some questions and suggestions. I also have some major concerns regarding incomplete psychophysical methodology including lack of eye-tracking, results inferred from a single subject, and a huge number of trials. I have only minor typographical criticisms and suggestions to improve clarity. The authors also use very good data reproducibility practices.

Specific Comments

Experimental Setup
Firstly, the experiments do not appear to utilize an eye tracker to monitor fixation. Without eye tracking or another manipulation to ensure fixation, we cannot ensure the subjects were fixating the center of the image, and viewing the metamer as intended. While the short stimulus time (200ms) can help minimize eye movements, this does not guarantee that subjects began the trial with correct fixation, especially in such a long experiment. While Covid-19 did at one point limit in-person eye-tracked experiments, the paper reports no such restrictions that would have made the addition of eye-tracking impossible. While such a large-scale experiment may be difficult to repeat with the addition of eye tracking, the paper would be greatly improved with, at a minimum, an explanation as to why eye tracking was not included.

Secondly, many of the comparisons later in the paper (Figures 9,10) are made from a single subject. N=1 is not typically accepted as sufficient to draw conclusions in such a psychophysics experiment. Again, if there were restrictions limiting this it should be discussed. Also (P11) Is subject sub-00 is this an author? Other expert? A naive subject? The subject's expertise in viewing metamers will likely affect their performance.

Finally, the number of trials per subject is quite large. 13,000 over 9 sessions is much larger than most human experiments in this area. The reason for this should be justified.

For the main experiment, the authors compare the results of two models: a 'luminance model' that spatially pools mean luminance values, and an 'energy model' that spatially pools energy calculated from a multi-scale pyramid decomposition. They show that these models create metamers that result in different thresholds for human performance, and therefore different critical scaling parameters, with the basic luminance pooling model producing a scaling factor 1/4 that of the energy model. While this is certain to be true, due to the luminance model being so much simpler, the motivation for the simple luminance-based model as a comparison is unclear.

The authors claim that this luminance model captures the response of retinal ganglion cells, often modeled as a center-surround operation (Rodieck, 1964). I am unclear in what aspect(s) the authors claim these center-surround neurons mimic a simple mean luminance, especially in the context of evidence supporting a much more complex role of RGCs in vision (Atick & Redlich, 1992). Why do the authors not compare the energy model to a model that captures center-surround responses instead? Do the authors mean to claim that the luminance model captures only the pooling aspects of an RGC model? This is particularly confusing as Figures 6 and 9 show the luminance and energy models for original vs synth aligning with the scaling of Midget and Parasol RGCs, respectively. These claims should be more clearly stated, and citations included to motivate this. Similarly, with the energy model, the physiological evidence is very loosely connected to the model discussed.

Prior Work:
While the explorations in this paper clearly have value, it does not present any particularly groundbreaking results, and those reported are consistent with previous literature. The explorations around critical eccentricity measurement have been done for texture models (Figure 11) in multiple papers (Freeman 2011, Wallis, 2019, Balas 2009). In particular, Freeman 20111 demonstrated that simpler models, representing measurements presumed to occur earlier in visual processing need smaller pooling regions to achieve metamerism. This work's measurements for the simpler models tested here are consistent with those results, though the model details are different. In addition, Brown, 2023 (which is miscited) also used an extended field of view (though not as large as in this work). Both Brown 2023, and Wallis 2019 performed an exploration of the effect of the target image. Also, much of the more recent previous work uses color images, while the author's exploration is only done for greyscale.

Discussion of Prior Work:
The prior work on testing metamerism between original vs. synthesized and synthesized vs. synthesized images is presented in a misleading way. Wallis et al.'s prior work on this should not be a minor remark in the post-experiment discussion. Rather, it was surely a motivation for the experiment. The text should make this clear; a discussion of Wallis et al. should appear at the start of that section. The authors similarly cite much of the most relevant literature in this area as a minor remark at the end of the introduction (P3L72).

White Noise:
The authors make an analogy to the inability of humans to distinguish samples of white noise. It is unclear however that human difficulty distinguishing samples of white noise is a perceptual issue- It could instead perhaps be due to cognitive/memory limitations. If one concentrates on an individual patch one can usually tell apart two samples. Support for these difficulties emerging from perceptual limitations, or a discussion of the possibility of these limitations being more cognitive should be discussed, or a different analogy employed.

Relatedly, in Figure 14, the authors do not explain why the white noise seeds would be more likely to produce syntheses that end up in different human equivalence classes.

It would be nice to see the effect of pink noise seeds, which mirror the power spectrum of natural images, but do not contain the same structure as natural images - this may address the artifacts noted in Figure 9b.

Finally, the authors note high-frequency artifacts in Figure 4 & P5L135, that remain after syntheses from the luminance model. They hypothesize that this is due to a lack of constraints on frequencies above that defined by the pooling region size. Could these be addressed with a white noise image seed that is pre-blurred with a low pass filter removing the frequencies above the spatial frequency constrained at the given eccentricity?

Schematic of metamerism:
Figures 1,2,12, and 13 show a visual schematic of the state space of images, and their relationship to both model and human metamers. This is depicted as a Voronoi diagram, with individual images near the center of each shape, and other images that fall at different locations within the same cell producing the same human visual system response. I felt this conceptualization was helpful. However, implicitly it seems to make a distinction between metamerism and JND (just noticeable difference). I felt this would be better made explicit. In the case of JND, neighboring points, despite having different visual system responses, might not be distinguishable to a human observer.

In these diagrams and throughout the paper, the phrase 'visual stimulus' rather than 'image' would improve clarity, because the location of the stimulus in relation to the fovea matters whereas the image can be interpreted as the pixels displayed on the computer.

The authors show good reproducibility practices with links to relevant code, datasets, and figures.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation