Hundreds of thousands of Myo10 monomer molecules found in Myo10-transfected U2OS cells.
(A) Epifluorescence image of exogenously expressed HaloTag-Myo10 in U2OS cells. Actin is labeled with phalloidin-AF633 (magenta). Myo10 is labeled with HaloTag ligand-TMR (green). Scale bar = 10 µm. (B) The top SDS-PAGE lanes show the indicated quantity (in ng) of HaloTag standard protein. The bottom SDS-PAGE lanes from the same gel show 50,000 cells from 6 separate U2OS transient transfections (except bioreplicate 5, indicated by a red asterisk (*), has 10,000 cells). Bioreplicates 1, 2 and 3 are from live-cell analysis, while bioreplicates 4, 5 and 6 are from fixed-cell analysis. Stain-free shows total protein signal, while TMR shows only TMR-HaloTag-Myo10 signal. Signal was integrated for full-length Myo10 (at ∼250 kDa) and any Myo10 aggregated in the wells at the top of the panels. (C) Standard curve for TMR fluorescence signal of HaloTag standard protein (black dots) compared to signal from HaloTag-Myo10 U2OS cells (red dots = fixed cell experiments, blue dots = live cell experiments). The linear fit is y = 24.32x, where the y-intercept is set to 0. R2 = 0.98. Standard error of slope = 1.42. Grey shading indicates the 95% confidence interval. (D) Distribution of the number of Myo10 molecules per fixed cell (N = 150 cell images; min = 39,000, 95% CI: 33,000-46,000; median = 1,000,000, 95% CI: 870,000-1,200,000; max = 21,000,000, 95% CI: 18,000,000-25,000,000; bins = 30). (E) Distribution of the number of Myo10 molecules per live cell as determined by quantification of the first frame of N = 168 cell movies (min = 79,000, 95% CI: 67,000-92,000; median = 450,000, 95% CI: 370,000-520,000; max = 3,300,000, 95% CI: 2,800,000-3,800,000; bins = 30).