Developing receptive endometrial organoids in vitro mimicking the implantation-window endometrium
(A) T-SNE plot of scRNA-seq data from three individual endometrial organoids of the CTRL, SEC and WOI groups (left). T-SNE plot of combined scRNA-seq data from the three kinds of organoids and mid-secretory endometrium (right).
(B) Exhibition of stromal cell marked by vimentin of CTRL organoid through whole-mount clearing, immunostaining and light sheet microscopy imaging. Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI. The arrowhead indicates stromal cells. Scale bar = 40 μm (left), Scale bar = 30 μm (right).
(C) Exhibition of immune cell marked by CD45 and CD44, and endometrial gland marked by FOXA2 of CTRL organoid through whole-mount clearing, immunostaining and light sheet microscopy imaging. Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI. The arrowhead indicates immune cells. Scale bar = 50 μm (left), Scale bar = 10 μm (right).
(D) Flow cytometric analysis of T cells and macrophages in the CTRL endometrial organoid. Gating strategy used for determining white blood cells (WBC) (CD45+ cells), T cells (CD45+CD3+ cells) and macrophages (CD45+CD68+CD11b+ cells).
(E) Heatmap and bubble diagram illustrating highly expressed genes as well as GO functions enriched in both organoids during the WOI and mid secretory endometrial tissue in terms of SOX9+LGR5+ epithelium, stem-derived epithelium, secretory epithelium, proliferative epithelium, unciliated epithelium, stromal cells and EMT-derived stromal cells. The color of heatmap represents log-transformed fold change of gene expression.
(F) Heatmaps showing differentially expressed TFs of endometrial organoids and endometrium in the secretory epithelium (left) and EMT-derived stromal cells (right). The color represents log-transformed fold change of gene expression.
(G) Endometrial receptivity evaluation of endometrium and their derived WOI organoids through ERT. Asterisks indicate individual samples.
(H) Electron micrograph of the CTRL (top), SEC (middle) and WOI (bottom) endometrial organoid showing pinopodes (P), glycogen granule (asterisk), microvilli (white arrows) and cilia (orange arrows). Scale bar = 1 μm. Quantitative comparison of pinopodes, glycogen, microvilli, and cilia in the CTRL, SEC and WOI organoids. *P ≤ 0.05, **P ≤ 0.005, ***P ≤ 0.0005, ****P ≤ 0.0001.