A Left: Each circle represents a single participant’s estimate from random-order session (x axis) and linear-order session (y axis). The histograms across the axes show the distributions of estimates for each session type. The dotted and dashed lines respectively represent 1:2 and 2:1 ratio between the axes, and the solid line represents one-to-one correspondence. Right: permutation test results. The distribution of summed residuals (distance of data points to the closest y=x, y=2*x and y=x/2 lines) of shuffled data over 1000 iterations, and the summed residual from original data (dashed line) which fell below .008 of the permutation distribution. B Left: Illustration of the preferred rate estimation method from one participant’s random-order (purple) and linear-order (orange) session datasets. Estimates were obtained by the stimulus rates where smoothed accuracy (curved lines) was maximum (arrows). Green and blue lines respectively represent the stimulus rates that were faster and slower than the linear-order session estimate. Right: Slices of the regression surface, calculated from the model where accuracy was predicted by normalized IOIs that were faster than a participant’s preferred rate estimate (green), and by those that were slower (blue). Solid lines show predicted accuracy given the model, and dotted lines represent 95% confidence intervals. C Average accuracy from random-order (left, purple) and linear-order (right, orange) sessions. Each circle represents a participant’s average accuracy. D Flexibility estimates. Each circle represents an individuals’ slope (β) obtained from logistic models, fitted separately to conditions where |-ΔIOI| (left, green) or |+ΔIOI| (right blue) predicted accuracy, with greater values (arrow’s direction) indicating better oscillator flexibility. The distribution of β from both conditions were smaller than zero, indicating a negative effect of between-trial absolute rate change on accuracy. E Participants’ average bias from |-ΔIOI| (left, green), and |+ΔIOI| (right, blue) conditions in both session types. Box plots in C-E show median (black vertical line), 25th and 75th percentiles (box edges) and extreme datapoints (whiskers). In C and E, empty circles show outlier values that remained after data cleaning procedures.