Figures and data

Incorporation of L-ANAP into ASIC1a. (A) Cartoon schematic illustrating L-ANAP incorporation into rASIC1a using the amber suppression method. Gray star indicates the location of the TAG mutation where L-ANAP can be incorporated when rASIC1a is co-transfected with pANAP and the media is supplemented with free L-ANAP (Created with (B) Schematic of rASIC1a construct used for tmFRET experiments. Cytosolic N- and C-termini are in blue and red, respectively. Citrine is conjugated to the C-terminus using a linker based on a loop region in DNA polymerase (DP). (C) Fluorescent and bright field images of rASIC1a-S24TAG expressed in CHO-K1 cells. Left column shows Citrine fluorescence while the middle columns shows the L-ANAP fluorescence signal. Images were collected either in the presence or absence of L-ANAP and pANAP. Images were collected 24 hours after transfection at 20x.
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Incorporation of L-ANAP into ASIC1 produces full-length channel with normal pH-dependent gating. (A) Representative Western blots for rASIC1a expressed in CHO-K1 cells with a single TAG mutation at denoted position, blotted with an anti-GFP antibody. Each TAG mutant was cultured both with L-ANAP (10mM) and without L-ANAP supplementation. Expression of channels with L-ANAP incorporated is seen with bands at ∼ 75 kDa. Higher molecular weight bands are likely channel oligomers (dimer, trimer) and bands below are likely free citrine. Neither the higher nor lower bands make up a significant portion of channel expressed. Less protein was loaded in the WT (no TAG) control C469 WT. (B) Representative whole-cell recordings of TAG mutants with single cysteine at C469 (colors) and C469 WT construct (black) elicited by solution switch from pH 8 to pH 5.5. (C) pH dependence of activation for rASIC1a TAG mutants with single cysteine at C469 (colors) and the C469 WT construct (black). Data were fit to a modified Hill equation. Fit results found in Figure 2 -table supplement 1.

Spectral properties of L-ANAP and Cu2+-TETAC and C18-NTA make both good FRET pairs capable of measuring short distances.
(A) Chemical structure of free TETAC. (B) Chemical structure of C18-NTA. (C) Spectral properties of L-ANAP bound to agarose beads and Cu2+-TETAC. Emission spectra from L-ANAP bound to the beads at pH 8 (black) and pH 6 (red) is overlaid with the absorption spectra of Cu2+- TETAC at pH 8 (blue) and pH 6 (green). (D) Spectral properties of L-ANAP bound to agarose beads and Co2+-C18-NTA. Emission spectra from L-ANAP bound to the beads at pH 8 (black) and pH 6 (red) is overlaid with the absorption spectra of Co2+-C18-NTA at pH 8 (blue) and pH 6 (green).

Cell unroofing isolates the plasma membrane for imaging. (A) Cartoon schematic of unroofing method used. Cultured CHO-K1 cells are washed with DPBS before being subjected to a constant stream of buffer using a needle and syringe to remove the non-adhered portion of the cells (Created with (B) Representative fluorescent and bright field images at 60x of whole cell (top) and unroofed (bottom) expressing rASIC1a-G11TAG.
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ACCuRET measures short-range distances between the NTD and CTD of ASIC1a. (A) Cartoon showing the ACCuRET approach (Created with (B) Representative ACCuRET experiment. Fluorescence and bright field images at 60x of rASIC1a-Q14TAG at pH 6. In brief, the first image is taken in control buffer at pH 6. This is followed by washing on TETAC preloaded with Cu2+ and then washout of the excess Cu2+-TETAC. The second image is then taken which shows a decrease in L-ANAP fluorescence indicative of FRET. Finally, Cu2+-TETAC is removed by adding DTT and the final image is taken where the L-ANAP fluorescence is restored. Citrine bleaches across all three images and the bright field is blank, indicating the cell is successfully unroofed. (C) Normalized FRET efficiency for example experiment in B. Signals are normalized to fluorescence before addition of metal ions. The inset cartoon shows the position of L-ANAP denoted by a red star and the single cysteine denoted by a green circle. Grey symbols represent other positions that are mutated in this study in order to show the relative position mutated in this example. In this instance, L-ANAP is incorporated at Q14 and the single cysteine in the C-terminus is at position C469. (D) Cartoon illustrating the current hypothesis of the orientation between the NTD and CTD at rest (left) and after prolonged acidosis (right). The inset sequence shows the putative interaction between the intracellular domains.
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ACCuRET reveals the NTD and CTD likely do not form a complex at rest. (A) Normalized FRET efficiency between L-ANAP on the NTD and Cu2+-TETAC at position C469 at pH 8 (black) and pH 6 (red). FRET efficiencies, SEM, N and calculated distances are summarized in Table 1. Zn2+-TETAC negative control for positions E8 and G11 shows that the changes in signal measured with Cu2+-TETAC are due the presence of Cu2+ and not due to any other changes. (B) Normalized FRET efficiency between L- ANAP on the NTD and Cu2+-TETAC at position C477 at pH 8 (black) and pH 6 (red). The inset cartoons show the position of L-ANAP denoted by a red star and the single cysteine denoted by a green circle. Box and whisker plot with whiskers ranging from minimum to maximum values and the bottom and top edges of the box denoting the 25th and 75th quartiles, respectively. Statistical significance shown using two-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons test are denoted between relevant comparison using appropriate asterisks. Ns indicates p > 0.05, * indicates p ≤ 0.05, ** indicates p ≤ 0.01, *** indicates p ≤ 0.001, **** indicates p ≤ 0.0001.

Mean normalized FRET efficiency ± SEM for each TAG position relative to each cysteine (ACCuRET) or the membrane (memFRET) measured at pH 8 and pH 6. Distances were calculated with Equation 3.

ACCuRET does not suggest an interaction between the NTD and more distal positions on the CTD. (A) Normalized FRET efficiency between L-ANAP on the NTD and Cu2+-TETAC at position C485 at pH 8 (black) and pH 6 (red). FRET efficiencies, SEM, N and calculated distances are summarized in Table 1. (B) Normalized FRET efficiency between L-ANAP on the NTD and Cu2+-TETAC at position C505 at pH 8 (black) and pH 6 (red). (C) Normalized FRET efficiency between L-ANAP on the NTD and Cu2+-TETAC at position C515 at pH 8 (black) and pH 6 (red). (D) Representative binding curve for peptides of the NTD and CTD generated using MST. No indication of binding up to 250mM. Box and whisker plot with whiskers ranging from minimum to maximum values and the bottom and top edges of the box denoting the 25th and 75th quartiles, respectively. Statistical significance shown using two-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons test are denoted between relevant comparison using appropriate asterisks. Ns indicates p > 0.05, * indicates p ≤ 0.05, ** indicates p ≤ 0.01, *** indicates p ≤ 0.001, **** indicates p ≤ 0.0001.

memFRET reveals that the NTD and CTD make frequent sojourns near the plasma membrane.
(A) Cartoon illustrating memFRET in unroofed cells between L-ANAP incorporated into the protein backbone and multiple C18-Co2+ incorporated into the plasma membrane (Created with (B) Normalized FRET efficiency from memFRET experiments between L-ANAP at two sites in the re-entrant loop very near the plane of the intracellular leaflet of the plasma membrane. (C) Normalized FRET efficiency from memFRET experiments between L- ANAP on the NTD and Co2+-C18-NTA at pH 8 (black) and pH 6 (red). Zn2+-C18-NTA negative control for positions E8TAG and G11TAG shows that the changes in signal measured with Co2+-C18 are primarily due the presence of Co2+ and not to any other changes. (D) Normalized FRET efficiency from memFRET experiments between L-ANAP on the CTD and Co2+-C18-NTA at pH 8 (black) and pH 6 (red). Each data point represents FRET efficiency measured within a single cell at either pH 8 in black or pH 6 in red. FRET efficiencies, SEM, N and calculated distances are summarized in Table 1. Statistical significance shown using two-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons test are denoted between relevant comparison using appropriate asterisks. Ns indicates p > 0.05, * indicates p ≤ 0.05, ** indicates p ≤ 0.01, *** indicates p ≤ 0.001, **** indicates p ≤ 0.0001.
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The NTD and CTD of ASIC1a likely do not interact (A) Cartoon schematic of axial movements of the N- and C-termini relative to the membrane at rest and prolonged acidification. The proximal NTD moves slightly closer to the membrane while the proximal CTD moves away during acidification.

R0 values calculated for Cu2+-TETAC and Co2+-C18-NTA using equation 3 at pH 8 and pH 6.