Jointly looking to the past and the future in visual working memory

  1. Institute for Brain and Behavior Amsterdam, Department of Experimental and Applied Psychology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, and public reviews.

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  • Reviewing Editor
    Miriam Spering
    The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
  • Senior Editor
    Yanchao Bi
    Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China

Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

In this study, the authors offer a fresh perspective on how visual working memory operates. They delve into the link between anticipating future events and retaining previous visual information in memory. To achieve this, the authors build upon their recent series of experiments that investigated the interplay between gaze biases and visual working memory. In this study, they introduce an innovative twist to their fundamental task. Specifically, they disentangle the location where information is initially stored from the location where it will be tested in the future. Participants are tasked with learning a novel rule that dictates how the initial storage location relates to the eventual test location. The authors leverage participants' gaze patterns as an indicator of memory selection. Intriguingly, they observe that microsaccades are directed toward both the past encoding location and the anticipated future test location. This observation is noteworthy for several reasons. Firstly, participants' gaze is biased towards the past encoding location, even though that location lacks relevance to the memory test. Secondly, there's a simultaneous occurrence of an increased gaze bias towards both the past and future locations. To explore this temporal aspect further, the authors conduct a compelling analysis that reveals the joint consideration of past and future locations during memory maintenance. Notably, microsaccades biased towards the future test location also exhibit a bias towards the past encoding location. In summary, the authors present an innovative perspective on the adaptable nature of visual working memory. They illustrate how information relevant to the future is integrated with past information to guide behavior.

This short manuscript presents one experiment with straightforward analyses, clear visualizations, and a convincing interpretation. For their analysis, the authors focus on a single time window in the experimental trial (i.e., 0-1000 ms after retro cue onset). While this time window is most straightforward for the purpose of their study, other time windows are similarly interesting for characterizing the joint consideration of past and future information in memory. First, assessing the gaze biases in the delay period following the cue offset would allow the authors to determine whether the gaze bias towards the future location is sustained throughout the entire interval before the memory test onset. Presumably, the gaze bias towards the past location may not resurface during this delay period, but it is unclear how the bias towards the future location develops in that time window. Also, the disappearance of the retro cue constitutes a visual transient that may leave traces on the gaze biases which speaks again for assessing gaze biases also in the delay period following the cue offset.

Moreover, assessing the gaze bias before retro-cue onset allows the authors to further characterize the observed gaze biases in their study. More specifically, the authors could determine whether the future location is considered already during memory encoding and the subsequent delay period (i.e., before the onset of the retro cue). In a trial, participants encode two oriented gratings presented at opposite locations. The future rule indicates the test locations relative to the encoding locations. In their example (Figure 1a), the test locations are shifted clockwise relative to the encoding location. Thus, there are two pairs of relevant locations (each pair consists of one stimulus location and one potential test location) facing each other at opposite locations and therefore forming an axis (in the illustration the axis would go from bottom left to top right). As the future rule is already known to the participants before trial onset it is possible that participants use that information already during encoding. This could be tested by assessing whether more microsaccades are directed along the relevant axis as compared to the orthogonal axis. The authors should assess whether such a gaze bias exists already before retro cue onset and discuss the theoretical consequences for their main conclusions (e.g., is the future location only jointly used if the test location is implicitly revealed by the retro cue).

Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

The manuscript by Liu et al. reports a task that is designed to examine the extent to which "past" and "future" information is encoded in working memory that combines a retro cue with rules that indicate the location of an upcoming test probe. An analysis of microsaccades on a fine temporal scale shows the extent to which shifts of attention track the location of the location of the encoded item (past) and the location of the future item (test probe). The location of the encoded grating of the test probe was always on orthogonal axes (horizontal, vertical) so that biases in microsaccades could be used to track shifts of attention to one or the other axis (or mixtures of the two). The overall goal here was then to (1) create a methodology that could tease apart memory for the past and future, respectively, (2) to look at the time-course attention to past/future, and (3) to test the extent to which microsaccades might jointly encode past and future memoranda. Finally, some remarks are made about the plausibility of various accounts of working memory encoding/maintenance based on the examination of these time courses.

This research has several notable strengths. It has a clear statement of its aims, is lucidly presented, and uses a clever experimental design that neatly orthogonalizes "past" and "future" as operationalized by the authors. Figure 1b-d shows fairly clearly that saccade directions have an early peak (around 300ms) for the past and a "ramping" up of saccades moving in the forward direction. This seems to be a nice demonstration the method can measure shifts of attention at a fine temporal resolution and differentiate past from future-oriented saccades due to the orthogonal cue approach. The second analysis shown in Figure 2, reveals a dependency in saccade direction such that saccades toward the probe future were more likely also to be toward the encoded location than away from the encoded direction. This suggests saccades are jointly biased by both locations "in memory".

1. The "central contribution" (as the authors characterize it) is that "the brain simultaneously retains the copy of both past and future-relevant locations in working memory, and (re)activates each during mnemonic selection", and that: "... while it is not surprising that the future location is considered, it is far less trivial that both past and future attributes would be retained and (re)activated together. This is our central contribution." However, to succeed at the task, participants must retain the content (grating orientation, past) and probe location (future) in working memory during the delay period. It is true that the location of the grating is functionally irrelevant once the cue is shown, but if we assume that features of a visual object are bound in memory, it is not surprising that location information of the encoded object would bias processing as indicated by microsaccades. Here the authors claim that joint representation of past and future is "far less trivial", this needs to be evaluaed from the standpoint of prior empirical data on memory decay in such circumstances, or some reference to the time-course of the "unbinding" of features in an encoded object.

2. The authors refer to "future" and "past" information in working memory and this makes sense at a surface level. However, once the retrocue is revealed, the "rule" is retrieved from long-term memory, and the feature (e.g. right/left, top/bottom) is maintained in memory like any other item representation. Consider the classic test of digit span. The digits are presented and then recalled. Are the digits of the past or future? The authors might say that one cannot know, because past and future are perfectly confounded. An alternative view is that some information in working memory is relevant and some is irrelevant. In the digit span task, all the digits are relevant. Relevant information is relevant precisely because it is thought be necessary in the future. Irrelevant information is irrelevant precisely because it is not thought to be needed in the immediate future. In the current study, the orientation of the grating is relevant, but its location is irrelevant; and the location of the test probe is also relevant.

3. It is not clear how the authors interpret the "joint representation" of past and future. Put aside "future" and "past" for a moment. If there are two elements in memory, both of which are associated with spatial bindings, the attentional focus might be a spatial average of the associated spatial indices. One might also view this as an interference effect, such that the location of the encoded location attracts spatial attention since it has not been fully deleted/removed from working memory. Again, for the impact of the encoded location to be exactly zero after the retrieval cue, requires zero interference or instantaneous decay of the bound location information. It would be helpful for the authors to expand their discussion to further explain how the results fit within a broader theoretical framework and how it fits with empirical data on how quickly an irrelevant feature of an object can be deleted from working memory.

Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

This study utilizes saccade metrics to explore, what the authors term the "past and future" of working memory. The study features an original design: in each trial, two pairs of stimuli are presented, first a vertical pair and then a horizontal one. Between these two pairs comes the cue that points the participant to one target of the first pair and another of the second pair. The task is to compare the two cued targets. The design is novel and original but it can be split into two known tasks - the first is a classic working memory task (a post-cue informs participants which of two memorized items is the target), which the authors have used before; and the second is a classic spatial attention task (a pre-cue signal that attention should be oriented left or right), which was used by numerous other studies in the past. The combination of these two tasks in one design is novel and important, as it enables the examination of the dynamics and overlapping processes of these tasks, and this has a lot of merit. However, each task separately is not new. There are quite a few studies on working memory and microsaccades and many on spatial attention and microsaccades. I am concerned that the interpretation of "past vs. future" could mislead readers to think that this is a new field of research, when in fact it is the (nice) extension of an existing one. Since there are so many studies that examined pre-cues and post-cues relative to microsaccades, I expected the interpretation here to rely more heavily on the existing knowledge base in this field. I believe this would have provided a better context of these findings, which are not only on "past" vs. "future" but also on "working memory" vs. "spatial attention".

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation