A new TOPBP1 mutant separating its role in fertility from organismal viability.
A) Schematic showing mutations in the Topbp1 B5 allele. B) Body mass (Topbp1+/+ Mean = 25.26, SD = 2.38; Topbp1B5/B5 Mean = 26.43, SD = 2.28, n = 9) and C) appearance of Topbp1B5/B5 and Topbp1 +/+ littermate mice. D) Effect of full body IR (7 Gy) on changes in body mass of Topbp1B5/B5 and Topbp1+/+ littermate mice E) Breeding scheme and resulting litters. F) and G) Comparison of testes size (Topbp1 +/+ Mean = 0.038, SD = 0.006; Topbp1B5/B5 Mean = 0.011, SD = 0.004, n = 9), and H) sperm count, of Topbp1B5/B5 and Topbp1+/+ littermate mice (Topbp1+/+ Mean = 2.1 x 107, SD = 6x 106; Topbp1B5/B5 Mean = 0.0, SD = 0.0, n = 9). I) H&E-stained histological testes sections displaying loss of cellularity in Topbp1B5/B5. Green arrow = spermatogonia, Red arrow = healthy spermatocyte, Blue arrow = dying spermatocyte. J) and K) TUNEL assay performed on histological testes sections (Topbp1+/+ Mean = 0.36, SD = 0.15; Topbp1B5/B5 Mean = 4.80, SD = 0.43, n = 3). L) Meiotic spreads stained for SYCP3, SYCP1 and H1t. **** = p< 0.0001, n = number of mice. p-Values were calculated using Welch’s unpaired t-test in GraphPad.