Pilocarpine-induced SE in Cre+ and Cre- mice.
A. The experimental timeline is shown.
1. Tamoxifen was injected 1/day for 5 days in 6 week-old Nestin-CreERT2 Baxfl/flmice. Six weeks after the last tamoxifen injection, mice were injected with pilocarpine (Pilo) at a dose that induces status epilepticus (SE).
2. On the day of pilocarpine injection, one group of mice without EEG electrodes were monitored for behavioral seizures for 2 hr after pilocarpine injection. Another group of mice were implanted with EEG electrodes 3 weeks prior to pilocarpine injection. In these mice, video-electroencephalogram (video-EEG) was used to monitor SE for 10 hr after pilocarpine injection.
B. Locations to implant EEG electrodes are shown. Four circles represent recording sites: left frontal cortex (Lt FC), left hippocampus (Lt HC), right hippocampus (Rt
HC) and right occipital cortex (Rt OC). Two diamonds represent ground (GRD) and reference (REF) electrodes. D. Pooled data for mice that were implanted with EEG electrodes and unimplanted mice. These data showed no significant genotypic differences but there was a sex difference.
1. The latency to the onset of first seizure was similar in both genotypes (t-test, p=0.761). The seizure was a behavioral seizure >stage 3 of the Racine scale (unilateral forelimb jerking). For this figure and all others, detailed statistics are in the Results.
2. The number of seizures in the first 2 hr after pilocarpine injection was similar in both genotypes (t-test, p=0.377).
3. After separating males and females, females showed a shorter latency to the onset of the first seizure compared to males (two-way ANOVA, p=0.043); Cre+ females had a shorter latency to the first seizure relative to Cre+ males (Bonferroni’s test, p=0.010).
4. The number of seizures in the first 2 hr after pilocarpine injection were similar in males and females (two-way ANOVA, p=0.436).
E. Implanted mice. These data showed a significant protection of Cre+ mice on SE duration.
1. The severity of the first seizure (non-convulsive or convulsive) was similar between genotypes (Chi-square test, p=0.093).
2. Cre+ mice had a shorter duration of SE than Cre- mice (t-test, p=0.007).
3. After separating males and females, the first seizure was mostly non-convulsive in Cre+ females compared to Cre- females (60% vs. 14%) but no groups were statistically different (Fisher’s exact tests, p>0.05).
4. Once sexes were separated, there was no effect of sex by two-way ANOVA but a trend in Cre+ males to have a shorter SE duration than Cre- males (Bonferroni’s test, p=0.078).