Peer review process
Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, public reviews, and a provisional response from the authors.
Read more about eLife’s peer review process.Editors
- Reviewing EditorIsabelle MansuyETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
- Senior EditorWei YanWashington State University, Pullman, United States of America
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
In the manuscript "Mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway in Sertoli cells regulates age-dependent changes in sperm DNA methylation", the authors proposed to test if the balance of mTOR complexes in Sertoli cells may play a significant role in age-dependent changes in the sperm epigenome. The paper could be of interest and has a good scientific aim but there are too many drawbacks that hamper the initial enthusiasm. All sections need extensive revision. The paper is mostly descriptive without a mechanistic-orientated explanation for the observed results.
Specific comments:
1. The abstract is poorly written. There is a lot of unnecessary introduction that does not provide a rationale for the work. It is not possible to understand the experimental approach or the major data just by reading the abstract. It does not clearly represent the work.
2. The introduction is somewhat vague and does not provide a clear rationale for the hypothesis. There should be more focus more on the role of mTOR in Sertoli cells that goes far beyond BTB. That will give more focus on mTOR. Then it is important to focus on BTB and mTOR: what is known? What is the gap and how can it be solved? Several relevant references are missed concerning mTOR and Sertoli cells.
3. The Material and Methods section needs improvement. There is much important information missing. For instance: how many animals were used per group and how was the breeding done? At what age? Statistical analysis should be explained in detail.
4. The results description could be improved. It is vague without highlighting how much difference was detected. The results should be numerically described when possible and the differences should be highlighted. A 10% difference may be significant but not biologically relevant. To correctly evaluate the differences it is important to describe them with some degree of detail.
5. There is no discussion of the data. The authors just summarize their findings without a comprehensive analysis of the literature and how the effects can be mediated. mTOR interacts with different pathways (mTORC1 and mTORC2 are even mediators of distinct pathways). This would be very relevant to discuss. In addition, there are many study limitations not discussed. There is no clear mechanistic explanation of the way by which the mTOR pathway in Sertoli cells regulates age-dependent changes in sperm DNA methylation. The paper seems preliminary.
6. Figure 1 is too simple and does not provide any schematic support for the text.
7. Figure 2 lacks some detail. For instance, how many animals were used for each step?
8. Taking into consideration the roles of mTOR on sperm, particularly mTORC1, it is not clear whether there were any differences in sperm motility.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
In this study, the authors hypothesized that the balance of mTOR complexes in Sertoli cells may also play a significant role in age-dependent changes in the sperm epigenome. To test this hypothesis, the authors use transgenic mice with manipulated activity of mTOR complexes in Sertoli cells. These results suggest that the mTOR pathway in Sertoli cells may be used as a novel target of therapeutic interventions to rejuvenate the sperm epigenome in advanced-age fathers.
The authors attempt to demonstrate that the balance of mTOR complexes in Sertoli cells regulates the rate of sperm epigenetic aging. The authors have effectively met their research objectives, and their conclusions are supported by the data presented.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
Summary and Strength:
The manuscript by Amir et al. describes that Sertoli-specific inactivation of the mTORC1 and mTORC2 complex by KO of either Raptor or Rictor, respectively, resulted in progressive changes in blood-testis-barrier (BTB) function, testis weight, and sperm parameters, including counts, morphology, mtDNA content and sperm DNA methylation.
The described studies are based on the hypothesis that a decline of BTB function with increasing chronological age of a male contributes to the DNA methylation changes that are known to occur in sperm DNA of old males when compared to sperm DNA from isogenic young males. In order to demonstrate the relevance of a functioning BTB for the maintenance of sperm methylation patterns, the authors generated mice with genetically disrupted mTORC2 complex or mTORC1 complex in Sertoli cells and determined sperm methylation patterns in comparison to isogenic wild-type males. In line with previously published scientific literature (e.g. Mok et al., 2013; Dong et al, 2015; and others), the manuscript corroborates that a Sertoli-cell specific deletion of mTORC2 caused a loss of BTB function and a progressive spermatogenic defect. The authors further show that sperm DNA is differentially methylated (DMRs) as a consequence of either a mTORC2 disruption (associated with a loss of BTB function) or following a mTORC1 disruption (BTB function either increased or not leaky) when compared to their isogenic age-matched wt controls. Those DMRs overlap partially with changes in sperm DNA methylation that were found when comparing sperm from 8-week males with sperm isolated from 22-week-old male mice.
The authors interpret the observed changes as representative of the sperm DNA methylation changes that occur during normal chronological aging of the male. For an aged control group, the authors use sperm DNA of 22-week-old wild-type mates from the mTORC2 and mTORC2 KO breeding and compare the sperm methylation patterns found in sperm from those 22-week males to 8-week young males, that are intended to represent an old and a young cohort, respectively. DNA methylation analysis indicates that a disruption of mTORC2 (& decrease of BTB function) results in increased DNA methylation of sperm DNA, while a disruption of mTORC1 (and proposed increase of BTB tightness, not shown in the manuscript, though) resulted in increased hypomethylation.
While the hypothesis and experimental system are interesting and the data demonstrating the relevance of the mTORC2 complex for BTB function is convincing, several open questions limit the evidence that supports the hypothesis that the sperm DNA methylation changes seen in old males are caused by BTB failure following an imbalance of mTOR signaling complexes. The major critique points are the lack of a chronologically old group and the choice of 8 weeks & 22 weeks age of age:
- Data illustrating the degree of BTB decline and sperm DNA methylation changes from chronologically "old" male mice is missing. 22-week-old mice are not considered old but are of good and mature breeding age, equivalent to humans in their mid-late twenties. (In the manuscript, the 22-week-old wildtype mice show no evidence of BTB breakdown (Figure 3), so why are their sperm used to represent "aged" sperm?
- Adding a group of "old" wild-type mice of 12-14 months of age, which is closer to the end of effective reproduction in mice, more equivalent to 45-59 year-old humans) could be used to illustrate that (a) aging causes a marked decrease in BTB function at this time in mouse life, and that this BTB breakdown chronologically aligns with the age-associated DNA hypermethylation seen in old sperm. Age-matched "old" mTORC1 KO, with a (supposedly) tighter BTB barrier, could then be expected to have a sperm DMA methylation profile closer to that of younger wild-type animals. Such data are currently missing. While the progressive testicular decline observed in the mTORC1 KO (Fig.5) could make it difficult to obtain the appropriately aged mTORC1 KO tissues, it is completely feasible to obtain data from chronologically old wild-type males. (The progressive testicular decline further raises the question of what additional defects the KO causes, and how such additional defects would influence the sperm DNA methylation profile.) The addition of data from an old group to the currently included groups could strengthen the interpretation that the observations in the BTB-defective mTORC2 KO mice are modelling an age-related testicular decline, provided that the DMRs seen in the chronologically old group significantly overlap with the BTB-defective changes.
- In the current form, the described differences in sperm DNA methylation are based on comparisons between pubertal mice (8 weeks) and mature but not old adult males (22 weeks), while a chronologically "old" group is missing from the data sets and comparisons. Thus, it appears that the described sperm methylation changes reflect developmental changes associated with normal maturation and not necessarily declining sperm quality due to aging. (Sperm obtained from 8-week-old mice likely were generated, at least in part, during the 1st wave of spermatogenesis, which is known to differ from the continuously proceeding spermatogenesis during the remained of the mature life. During the 1st wave of spermatogenesis, Sertoli cells are known to undergo gene expression changes which could contribute to varying degrees of BTB function, and thus have effects on the sperm DNA methylation profiles of such 1st wave sperm.)
- It is unclear why the aging-related DMRs between the 8 and 22-week-old wild-type mice vary so dramatically between the two wild-type groups derived from the mTORC1 and the mTORC2 breeding (Fig. S4). If the main difference was due to mTORC1 or mTORC2 activity, both wildtype groups should behave very similarly. Changes seen in a truly "old" mouse (e.g. 20 weeks to 56 weeks), changes in "young mTORC1" and in "old mTORC2" are missing. How do those numbers and profiles compare to the shown samples?
Some general comments regarding the chosen age of animals:
- As mentioned, sperm from 8-week-old mice represent many sperm that were produced in the 1st wave of spermatogenesis; 22-week-old mice are not considered chronologically old mice, but mature and "relatively" young animals. 18-24 month-old mice are considered to be equivalent to 56-69 year-old humans, and might be more suitable to detect aging effects. "Old mice" for study purposes should be at least 12-14 months of age, ideally >18 months of age. 22 weeks (5 months of age) are mice at good breeding age, but still considered mature adults, not old males, and therefore are not expected to show typical aging health problems (like declining fertility).
Even the cited reference (Flurkey et al. 2007) defines that "... mice used a reference group for "young mice" should be at least 3 months of age (~ 13 weeks), i.e. fully sexually mature. The authors specifically state: " The young adult group should be at least 3 months old because, although mice are sexually mature by 35 days, relatively rapid maturational growth continues for most biologic processes and structures until about 3 months. The upper age range for the young adult group is typically about 6 months. ... For the middle-aged group, 10 months is typically the lower limit.... The upper age limit for the middle-aged group is typically 14-15 months, because at this age, most biomarkers still have not changed to their full extent, and some have not yet started changing. For the old group, the lower age limit is 18 months because age-related change for almost all biomarkers of aging can be detected by then. The upper limit is 22-26 months, depending on the genotype." According to this reference, mice up to 6 months of age are generally considered "mature adults" (equivalent to humans 20-30 yrs), mice of 10-14 month are "middle-aged adults" (equivalent to ~38-47 human years) and 18-24 month mice are "old" (equivalent to human of 56-69 yrs.).
Going on these commonly used age ranges, it is unclear why the authors used 8-week-old mice (generally considered pubertal to late adolescent age) as young mice and 5-month-old mice as "old mice".
Differences seen between these cohorts most likely do not reflect aging, but more likely reflect changes associated with normal developmental maturation, since testis and epididymides continue to grow until about 10-11 weeks of age.
- The DMRs identified between 8 and 22-week-old animals could represent DMRs that are dependent on developmental maturation more than being changed in an "age-dependent" manner (in the sense of increased chronological age). This interpretation is congruent with the fact that those DMRs are enriched for developmental categories.