– Benefits of internship for different stakeholders (Quantitative Evidence).

(a)-(h) Benefits to interns documented through post surveys; (i)-(m) Benefits to interns documented through pre- and post-surveys; (n)-(u)Benefits to internship hosts documented through post surveys; (v)-(x) Benefits to research advisors documented through post surveys. Mean values for the benefits to the interns documented through pre- and post-(figures i-m) were tested for significance using an independent sample t-test. Asterisk(s) indicate(s) differences were statistically significant (*p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001).

– Benefits of internship for different stakeholders (Qualitative Evidence).

Stakeholder interviews were moderated by an external evaluation team, with participants’ identity remaining confidential. Interviews were transcribed and imported into Atlas.ti, with the evaluator developing codes for key themes. Representative quotes supporting each major theme that emerged are presented in the figure.

Logistic Regression Model of Internship Participation, Number of Career Interests, and Trainee Type (Graduate student vs. Postdoc) on Identical Interest Match

Matches Between Career Interest and First Job Placement

Rates of Postdoctoral Training for Interns and Non-interns

Job Sector and Career Type of First Job After Graduate Student Internships

Type and Quantity of Publications Between Graduate Student Interns and Non-Interns

Faculty ratings for Research Advisor-Support of 1-month and 3-month internships

– Sustainability and Lessons Learned (Quantitative Evidence).

(a)-(h) Internship host ratings of various internship components that are proxies for sustainability; (i)-(t) research advisor ratings of various internship components that are proxies for sustainability; (u) a crosstab of research advisors’ ratings of frequency and sufficiency of communicating with project leadership.

– Lessons Learned and Persisting Challenges (Qualitative Evidence).

Table legend: Response rates for the 123 survey invitations sent to interns and their current research advisors and internship hosts ranged from 61% for research advisors to 73% for hosts, and about 66% for interns (averaging pre and post survey responses).