Using the PhyB/PIF system to activate PI3K with light
The OptoPI3K system reversibly activates PI3K to generate PI(3,4,5)P3 at the PM. (A) Diagram of PI3K subunits and domains illustrating the regulatory p85 and catalytic p110 subunits. iSH2 domain in p85 subunit interacts with p110. (B) Schematic diagram for OptoPI3K system using PIF-iSH2-YFP. The iSH2 domain of p85 is fused to PIF so that translocation of PIF-iSH2-YFP, together with endogenous p110, to the PM promotes PI(3,4,5)P3 synthesis. (C) Monitoring PIF-iSH2-YFP translocation to and from the PM with 650 nm and 750 nm light, respectively. Synthesis of PI(3,4,5)P3 follows PIF-iSH2-YFP translocation to the PM, as indicated by the localization of the PI(3,4,5)P3 probe Akt-PH-CFP. F-11 cells transiently expressing PhyB-mCherry-CAAX, PIF-iSH2-YFP, and Akt-PH-CFP were illuminated with 750 nm or 650 nm light as indicated with the upper bar. Collected traces of PIF-iSH2-YFP (top, yellow) and Akt-PH-CFP (bottom, sky blue) normalized to the initial baselines during the first episode of 750 nm illumination. The black line indicates the mean of the data and the colored envelope represents the standard error of the mean (n=8).