Figures and data

Using the PhyB/PIF system to activate PI3K with light
The OptoPI3K system reversibly activates PI3K to generate PI(3,4,5)P3 at the PM. (A) Diagram of PI3K subunits and domains illustrating the regulatory p85 and catalytic p110 subunits. iSH2 domain in p85 subunit interacts with p110. Binding of NGF to TrkA receptor triggers the translocation of PI3K to the PM, phosphorylation of PI(4,5)P2 to PI(3,4,5)P3 and fusion of TRPV1-containing vesicles with the PM. (B,C) Schematic diagram for OptoPI3K system using PIF-iSH2-YFP. PhyB-mCherry is tethered to the PM using CAAX lipidation (magenta star). The iSH2 domain of p85 is fused to PIF so that translocation of PIF-iSH2-YFP, together with endogenous p110, to the PM promotes PI(3,4,5)P3 synthesis upon 650 nm light. (D) Monitoring PIF-iSH2-YFP translocation to and from the PM with 650 nm and 750 nm light, respectively (top, yellow). Synthesis of PI(3,4,5)P3 follows PIF-iSH2-YFP translocation to the PM, as indicated by the localization of the PI(3,4,5)P3 probe Akt-PH-CFP (bottom, sky blue). F-11 cells transiently expressing PhyB-mCherry-CAAX, PIF-iSH2-YFP, and Akt-PH-CFP were illuminated with 750 nm or 650 nm light as indicated with the upper bar. Collected traces of PIF-iSH2-YFP and Akt-PH-CFP normalized to the initial baselines during the first episode of 750 nm illumination. The black line indicates the mean of the data and the colored envelope represents the standard error of the mean (n = 8). Because of the very low density of PI(3,4,5)P3 present in the PM even in light- or NGF-stimulated cells (Auger et al., 1989), we used total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy to measure PI(3,4,5)P3 density instead of confocal microscopy. TIRF illumination decreases exponentially with distance from the coverslip, selectively illuminating and exciting fluorophores within ∼150 nm of the PM (Lakowicz, 2006; Mattheyses and Axelrod, 2006). (E) Scatter plot of PIF-iSH2-YFP and Akt-PH-CFP fluorescence for individual cells. Each point represents the 20 s average for 750 nm (2.66 - 3 min), 650 nm (5.66 - 6 min), and 750 nm (8.66 - 9 min). Translocation of both PIF-iSH2-YFP and Akt-PH-CFP is reversible.

Activation of PI3K with light is sufficient to induce trafficking of TRPV1 to the PM.
Simultaneous TIRF measurement of PI(3,4,5)P3 (cyan) and TRPV1 (yellow) in the PM in response to either (A) NGF or (C) light. (A) F-11 cells were transfected with TrkA/p75NTR, Akt-PH-CFP, and TRPV1-YFP. NGF (100 ng/mL) was applied during the times indicated by the bar/shading. Plotted are the PM-associated fluorescence in Akt-PH-CFP (top, cyan) and TRPV1-YFP (bottom, yellow) within the cell footprints. Data are reproduced from (Stratiievska et al., 2018) (C) F-11 cells transfected with PhyB-mCherry-CAAX, PIF-ISH2 (without a fluorescent tag), Akt-PH-CFP, and TRPV1-YFP were illuminated with 750 nm or 650 nm light as indicated. Color scheme as in (A), with line indicating the mean and envelope indicated the standard error of the mean (n = 13 for Akt-PH-CFP; n = 16 for TRPV1-YFP). Note the poor or irreversible increase of PM PI(3,4,5)P3 in the PM. Inset cartoons depict the model for retention of iSH2 at the PM via binding to TRPV1. (B, D) Scatter plots of for individual cells. Each point represents the 20 s average for before (0.83 – 1.17 min) and after NGF (14.8 – 15.2 min) or for before (1.31 – 1.63 min) and after 650 nm (10.8 -11.2 min).

Labeling the TRPV1 and InsR with membrane-impermeant sTCO-Cy5.
Confocal imaging illustrates the labeling of membrane proteins incorporating the ncAA Tet3-Bu with sTCO-sulfo-Cy5 in HEK293T/17 cells. The membrane impermeable dye labeled only the proteins on the PM. (A) Schematic of the reaction between Tet3-Bu and sTCO-conjugated dyes. (B) Cartoon representing the selective labeling of membrane proteins incorporating Tet3-Bu at an extracellular site with membrane-impermeant sTCO-sulfo-Cy5. (C & E) Confocal images of HEK293T/17 cells expressing (C) TRPV1-468Tet3-Bu-GFP or (E) InsR-676Tet3-Bu-GFP. GFP fluorescence reflects expression of the proteins in the confocal volume across the field of view. Initially the cells did not show any detectable Cy5 fluorescence but after incubation of several minutes of 200 nM sTCO-sulfo-Cy5 showed Cy5 fluorescence at the PM. The Cy 5 images shown for (C) TRPV1-Tet3-Bu and (E) InsR-Tet3-Bu were obtained at the end of the experiment (20 minutes). (D & F) The graphs summarize the Cy5 fluorescence at the PM in (D) TRPV1-Tet3-Bu-GFP or (F) InsR-Tet3-Bu-GFP expressing cells. Solid traces represent the mean and envelopes the standard error of the mean (n = 3 for TRPV1 and n = 11 for InsR). Dashed traces represent a fit to the mean with a single exponential (tau = 17.8 s for TRPV1; tau = 13.8 s for InsR). Fits to the individual time courses for all the cells gave a mean of 18.2 s for TRPV1 (± 2.2 s) and 19.3 s for InsR (±4.0 s).

Click chemistry labeling of TRPV1-468Tet3-Bu-GFP with sTCO-Cy5 to measure NGF-induced trafficking of TRPV1 to the PM.
HEK293T/17 cells expressing TRPV1-Tet3-Bu-GFP and NGF receptor were labeled with extracellular sTCO-sulfo-Cy5 and inspected with confocal microscopy. (A) Experimental protocol. Cells were incubated with 1 μM sTCO-sulfo-Cy5 for 5 min and free dye removed from the bath by washing for 2 minutes with dye-free Ringer’s solution (‘pulse-chase’ labeling. F0). Then the cells were treated with 100 ng/mL NGF for 10 min before the second sulfo-Cy5 labeling (FNGF). Confocal images after initial sTCO-sulfo-Cy5 labeling (B) and after the 10 minute treatment with NGF and subsequent sTCO-sulfo-Cy5 labeling (C). (D) Summary scatter plot from multiple measurements, with individual experiments shown as dots and the mean of the experiments as black bars. The effect of NGF on GFP and sulfo-Cy5 signals is presented as a ratio of FNGF/F0 (n = 24). After NGF treatment, the ratio increased for sulfo-Cy5 significantly (P < 0.001) but not for GFP (P = 0.64). (E) The same experiment without NGF treatment (‘Vehicle only’, n = 5). Vehicle treatment did not change both GFP (P = 0.63) and sulfo-Cy5 (P = 0.78).

Measuring light-activated PI3K-induced TRPV1 and InsR trafficking to the PM using click chemistry
(A) Illustration of the experimental protocol. HEK293T/17 cells expressing TRPV1-468Tet3-Bu-GFP and InsR-676Tet3-Bu-GFP. (B) Confocal images sulfo-Cy5 obtained at different stages as depicted in (A). (C) Bright field (left) and confocal (middle and right) images obtained at the end of experiment. Comparison of bright-field (left) and GFP (middle) distinguishes TRPV1-Tet3-Bu-GFP expressing cells from untransfected cells. PhyB-mCherry images (red) indicate that most TRPV1-positive cells expressed significant levels of the PhyB/PIF machinery for activating PI3K. (D and E) Summary scatter plots from multiple experiments, with individual cells shown as dots and the mean shows as black lines (n = 20). The effects of 750 and 650 nm illumination on sulfo-Cy5 (D) and GFP (E) are presented as ratios of fluorescence intensity after illumination with the indicated wavelength of illumination to the initial fluorescence. (F-I) The same experiment for InsR-676Tet3-Bu-GFP trafficking (n = 24).

Synthesis of sTCO-Fluorescein and sTCO-sulfo-Cy5.

PIF-YFP translocates to PM in response to 650 nm light and back to the cytosol in response to 750 nm light.
The PhyB –PIF light-inducible interaction is rapid (a few tens of seconds) and fully reversible (within ∼30 seconds) and can be repeated multiple times. (A) Schematic diagram for optogenetic PhyB-PIF system. PhyB-mCherry loaded with the chromophore phycocyanobilin localizes to the PM due to a CAAX tag to induce lipidation (squiggly line). Illumination with 650 nm light induces a conformational change in PhyB that increases its affinity for PIF-YFP, effectively recruiting PIF-YFP to the PM. The conformational change in PhyB reverses with illumination with 750 nm light, causing PIF-YFP to dissociate and return to the cytoplasm. (B) A representative confocal experiment with an NIH3T3 cell stably expressing PhyB-mCherry-CAAX and PIF-YFP. Images were obtained at times indicated in C and are all shown on the same lookup table. During illumination with 650 nm light, PIF-YFP translocated to the PM quickly, with a corresponding decrease in cytoplasmic fluorescence. (C) Ratio of measured PIF fluorescence at region of interest (ROI) placed at the PM (FMembrane) and cytoplasm (Fcytosol) from the cell in B. These data recapitulate previously published data (Levskaya et al., 2009; Toettcher et al., 2011).

Detection of PI(3,4,5)P3 generation by PIF-iSH2-YFP at the PM using GRP1-PH-CFP. (A) TIRF measurements of F-11 cells expressing PhyB-mCherry, PIF-iSH2-YFP, and GRP1-PH-CFP (n = 9). Upon 650 nm illumination, PIF PIF-iSH2-YFP translocated to the PM quickly (upper trace) while GRP1-PH-CFP moved slower (lower trace). Normalized to the initial 3 min control period. (B) Scatter plot of PIF-iSH2-YFP and GRP1-PH-CFP fluorescence for individual cells. Each point represents the 30 s average for 750 nm (2.5-3 min), 650 nm (4.5-5 min), and 750 nm (12.5-13 min). Translocation of both PIF-iSH2-YFP and GRP1-PH-CFP is reversible.

750 nm light fails to cause iSH2 dissociation from the PM in TRPV1-expressing cells.
(A) TIRF measurements of PIF-iSH2-YFP from F-11 cells expressing TRPV1-CFP in F-11 cells and HEK293T/17 cells, as indicated (n = 5 – 17). The color code and lines/envelopes have the same meaning as in Figure 2. Inset cartoons depict the model for retention of iSH2 at the PM via binding to TRPV1, which contains the PI3K-binding ARD domain. (B) Scatter plot of PIF-iSH2-YFP fluorescence for individual cells. Each point represents the 20 s average for 750 nm (1.33 - 1.66 min), 650 nm (4.33 - 4.66 min), and 750 nm (7.33 - 7.66 min). Translocation of PIF-iSH2-YFP is irreversible. (C,D) The same experiments with continuous illumination at 750 nm (n = 5 – 13).

figure supplement 3. PIF-YFP dissociates from the PM in response to 750 nm light even in TRPV1-expressing cells.
TRPV1 does not retain PIF lacking iSH2 at the PM of F-11 cells. (A) Normalized TIRF fluorescence was recorded in F-11 cells transfected with PhyB-mCherry-CAAX, PIF-YFP (no iSH2 domain), and either TRPV1-CFP or TRPV1 (no fluorescent tag). Reversible translocation of PIF-YFP upon 650 nm illumination demonstrates that PIF lacking iSH2 domain does not interact with TRPV1 channels on the PM (n = 8). (B) Scatter plot of PIF-iSH2-YFP fluorescence for individual cells. Each point represents the 20 s average for 750 nm (1.33 - 1.66 min), 650 nm (4.33 - 4.66 min), and 750 nm (7.33 - 7.66 min).

750 nm light succeeds in causing iSH2 dissociation from the PM in TRPM4-expressing cells.
(A) TIRF measurements of PIF-iSH2-YFP from F-11 and HEK293T/17 cells expressing TRPM4-CFP (n = 7 -17). Inset cartoons depict the model for no retention of iSH2 at the PM via binding to TRPM4, which has no ankyrin repeats. (B) Scatter plot of PIF-iSH2-YFP fluorescence for individual cells. Each point represents the 20 s average for 750 nm (1.33 - 1.66 min), 650 nm (4.33 - 4.66 min), and 750 nm (7.33 - 7.66 min).

Incorporation of Tet3-Bu into TRPV1 and InsR.
(A) Whole-cell patch clamp recording demonstrates that TRPV1 incorporating Tet3-Bu remains functional. Application of 1 μM capsaicin to HEK-293T/17 cells transfected with either TRPV1-GFP (top) or TRPV1-468Tet3-Bu (bottom) induced inward currents at a holding potential of -60 mV. (B) Collected whole-cell electrophysiology data from all cells with peak capsaicin-activated currents normalized to the area of cell membrane (n = 8 and 9 for TRPV1-GFP and TRPV1-468Tet3-Bu, respectively). (C) In-gel fluorescence screening demonstrates that expression of full-length TRPV1-468Tet3-Bu or InsR-676Tet3-Bu requires the presence of Tet3-Bu (‘Tet3 (+)’). Wild type TRPV1-GFP is shown for reference. Detergent-extracted cell lysates were run on SDS/PAGE. GFP fluorescence in the gels was measured and then cells were stained with Coomassie blue dye.

Activity of InsR-K676TAG measure as its recycling upon insulin treatment.
F-11 cells were transfected with the genetically modified receptor and inspected with a confocal microscope. (A) After labeling with membrane-impermeable sTCO-Cy3B dyes, the receptor was visible in the PM. Application of 100 nM insulin triggered the generation of endocytic granules (arrow heads). In some cells the receptor recycling was so vigorous that PM receptors nearly disappeared. (B) Scatter plot of the ratio of fluorescence between the cytoplasm and total cell area in individual cells (n = 12). (C) Structure of sTCO-Cy3B.

Labelling of cells with sTCO conjugates of TAMRA, JF 646, fluorescein, and sulfo-Cy5.
HEK293T/17 cells expressing InsR-Tet3-Bu-GFP were labeled with sTCO dyes. For all dyes, shown are (left) confocal images of a representative field of HEK293T/17 cells incubated with the indicated concentration of sTCO-conjugated dye, (center) plots of the kinetics of cell labeling, and (right) a diagram of the fluorescent dye. The confocal images were obtained ∼30 s after washing off of extracellular dyes. GFP and bright field images are presented to demonstrate GFP-expressing (GFP(+)) and non-expressing (GFP(-)) cells. (A) 100 nM sTCO-TAMRA; (B) 10 µM sTCO-JF 646; (C) 100 nM and 1 µM sTCO-fluorescein; and (D) 100 nM and 1 µM sTCO-sulfo-Cy5. For the plots, the intracellular fluorescence was normalized to the peak value at the end of the dye applications (A-C) or to the fluorescence from 1 µM extracellular sTCO-sulfo-Cy5 (D). The thick lines represent the mean of 6 - 9 cells for each dye, and the envelopes represent the standard errors of the mean.

Control experiment for light-activated PI3K-induced TRPV1 and InsR trafficking to the PM.
The same experiment as Figure 5 without 650 nm illumination. The cells were exposed to 750 nm throughout the recording (n = 11 and 10 for TRPV1-Tet3-Bu-GFP and InsR-676Tet3-Bu-GFP, respectively)