Larval body organisation and a spatial map of external and chordotonal sense organs.
A) Ventral view of a L3 Drosophila larva. The larval body is divided into the pseudocephalon (pce), three thoracic (T1-T3), and nine abdominal (A1-A9) segments. A’) Latero-frontal view of the pce. Major sensory organs of the head are bilaterally organized and consist of several sensilla: the dorsal organ (DO) and terminal organ (TO) on the tip of the head lobes; the ventral organ (VO) located between rows of cuticle hairs; the labial organ (LO) below the mouth opening. A’’) Lateral view of the last fused abdominal segments A8 and A9, called the anal division. Sensilla in this region are organized in terminal sensory cones (t1- t7). On the ventral side, the anal plate (ap) is visible; towards the posterior end, the posterior spiracles are located B) Map of sensilla on pseudocephalon, thoracic and abdominal segments. We categorized types of sensilla as papilla (p)-, knob (k)- and hair (h) sensilla. The major head organs, the keilin’s organ (KO), the terminal sensory cones and the spiracle sense organ (sp) are formed by several sensilla. Organization of sensilla is bilateral. Sensilla have fixed positions on hemisegments and therefore all segments exhibit a fixed sensillar pattern. Three patterns of sensilla sequence were observed. Sensilla sequence is similar for but different between T1, T2 and T3, and A1-A7. The pseudocephalon and the anal division display a structural organization very different to the other segments. The schematic summarizes the result of our investigation and includes results from previous studies (Dambly-Chaudière and Ghysen, 1986; Green and Hartenstein, 1997). C) Map of neurons innervating the external sense organs and the chordotonal organs. Again, the results and names from previous studies (Dambly-Chaudière and Ghysen 1986; Green and Hartenstein 1997) were used but slightly modified to create a standardized nomenclature (see discussion).