Survivor formation in SY12 tlc1Δ strain. (A) Schematic representation of chromosome (and telomere) structures (not drawn to scale) in the SY12 strain (left panel) and the Type X survivor (right panel). The Roman numerals, native chromosomes; the Arabic numerals on the left, chromosome numbers of SY12; yellow box, X-element; green box, Y’-element; tandem grey triangles, telomeres; black circles, centromere; vertical arrows and numbers, positions and lengths of the terminal Xhol digestion fragments detected by the telomeric TG1-3 probe. Chromosome numbers are omitted in the Type X survivor (right panel). (B) Cell viability assay in liquid medium. The growth of SY12 (labeled in black) and SY12 tlc1Δ (three clones labeled in blue, purple and green respectively) strains were monitored every 24 hr for 12 days. (C) Telomeric Southern blotting assay of SY12 tlc1Δ survivors. Genomic DNAs prepared from SY12 tlc1Δ survivors assayed in (B) were digested with XhoI and subjected to Southern blotting with a TG1-3 probe. (D) Telomere Southern blotting assay of SY12 tlc1Δ survivors obtained on solid medium. Genomic DNA from fifty independent SY12 tlc1Δ clones (labeled on top) was digested with XhoI and hybridized to a telomere-specific TG1–3 probe. Type II survivors: in orange; Type I survivors: in red; circular survivors: in blue; Type X survivors: in green; atypical survivors: in black. Theoretical telomere restriction fragments of the SY12 strain are indicated on the left. The red arrows indicate the new band of about 4.3 kb emerged in Type X survivors. The asterisks indicate the non-specific bands. Genomic DNA stained with Gelred was used as a relative loading control (LC). (E) Southern blotting results of an SY12 tlc1Δ Type II survivor at the 20th re-streaks after TLC1 reintroduction. LC: loading control. (F) Schematic of three circular chromosomes and fusion sequences in the SY12 tlc1Δ-C1 survivor. The sequence in blue indicates the sequences of X-R, XI-R or XIV-R, the sequence in red indicates the sequences of I-L, XIII-L or XVI-L. Bases in green are mis-paired. The numbers above or below the schematic line (chromosome) indicate the distance to the corresponding telomeres. (G) Telomere Southern blotting analysis of an SY12 tlc1Δ circular survivor at the 20th re-streak after TLC1 reintroduction. LC: loading control. (H) Telomere Southern blotting analysis of an SY12 tlc1Δ Type X survivor at the 20th re-streak after TLC1 reintroduction. The red arrows indicate the new band of about 4.3 kb emerged in Type X survivors. LC: loading control.
Figure 2—figure supplement 1. Characterization of SY12 strain. (A) Schematic representation of chromosome (and telomere) structures (not drawn to scale) in the SY12 strain. The Roman numerals, native chromosomes; the Arabic numerals on the left, chromosome numbers of SY12; yellow box, X-element; green box, Y’-element; tandem grey triangles, telomeres; black circles, centromere; vertical arrows and numbers, positions and lengths of the terminal Ndel digestion fragments detected by the telomeric TG1-3 probe. (B) Southern blotting analysis of telomere length in BY4742 and SY12 (labeled on top) cells. Genomic DNA prepared from two independent clones of BY4742 and SY12 strains was digested with NdeI, and then subjected to Southern blotting with a TG1-3 probe. The numbers in brackets indicate the telomere length of the corresponding chromosomes. The blot was then stripped and reprobed with a Y’ probe. The asterisk indicates the non-specific band.
Figure 2—figure supplement 2. Y’-elements have been eroded in SY12 tlc1Δ survivors. The blot in Figure 2D was then stripped and reprobed with a Y’ probe.
Figure 2—figure supplement 3. Borders of erosion of the SY12 tlc1Δ-C1 survivor are defined by PCR mapping. (A) Upper panel, a schematic diagram of the subtelomeric region of 0-60 kb proximal to I-L telomere is shown. Primer pairs (No. 1L to 17L) are aligned and indicated at their corresponding subtelomeric loci. Lower panel, the genotype is listed on the left, and primer pairs are listed on top; solid circles mean positive PCR products and open circles mean no PCR products with corresponding primer pairs. (B) Upper panel, a schematic diagram of the subtelomeric region of 0-50 kb proximal to X-R telomeric TG1-3 sequence is shown. Primer pairs (No. 1R to 42R) are aligned and indicated at their corresponding subtelomeric loci. Lower panel, the genotype is listed on the left, and primer pairs are listed on top. (C) Upper panel, a schematic diagram of the subtelomeric region of 0-10 kb proximal to XIII-L telomeric TG1-3 sequence is shown. Primer pairs (No. 1L to 6L) are aligned and indicated at their corresponding subtelomeric loci. Lower panel, the genotype is listed on the left, and primer pairs are listed on top. (D) Upper panel, a schematic diagram of the subtelomeric region of 0-65 kb proximal to XI-R telomeric TG1-3 sequence is shown. Primer pairs (No. 1R to 25R) are aligned and indicated at their corresponding subtelomeric loci. Lower panel, the genotype is listed on the left, and primer pairs are listed on top. (E) Upper panel, a schematic diagram of the subtelomeric region of 0-35 kb proximal to XVI-L telomeric TG1-3 sequence is shown. Primer pairs (No. 1L to 29L) are aligned and indicated at their corresponding subtelomeric loci. Lower panel, the genotype is listed on the left, and primer pairs are listed on top. (F) Upper panel, a schematic diagram of the subtelomeric region of 0-60 kb proximal to XIV-R telomeric TG1-3 sequence is shown. Primer pairs (No. 1R to 21R) are aligned and indicated at their corresponding subtelomeric loci. Lower panel, the genotype is listed on the left, and primer pairs are listed on top.