Penk expression is regulated by TNFR signaling and the BATF transcription factor.
A) A network of the genes most correlated to Penk in Treg is shown. The Pearson correlation values were extracted from the Immuno-Navigator database (selecting only Treg in the analysis) and integrated into Cytoscape v3.7 (Shannon et al., 2003). Each node is a gene linked by edges with width proportional to the Pearson correlation. (edge range: 0.538-0.758). B) Illustration of the correlation between expression of Penk and Batf in Treg. Each dot is a sample from the Immuno-Navigator database. The Pearson correlation coefficient is indicated on the figure. C) Penk and Batf mRNA expression after in vitro stimulation of purified Treg with the indicated TNFR agonists prior (0), and at 18 and 36 hrs after stimulation. Each dot is a biological replicate from a single experiment. D) GEO2R analysis of the GSE89656 dataset between wild type control Treg (WT) and BATF-KO Treg.