Impact of hypophysectomy and GH pulse replacement on set of 2,373 dynamic DHS.
S6A. Four-oval Venn diagram showing the number of STAT5-high DHS that were close following hypophysectomy and/or open in response to a single exogenous GH pulse given to hypophysectomized male mice. The set of STAT5-high (dynamic) DHS (n = 2,373 sites; Fig. 2E) was analyzed to determine their overlap with the set of DHS that close following hypophysectomy (n = 1,487 sites) or DHS that open when a single exogenous GH pulse is given to hypophysectomized male mice and liver tissue collected after 30 min (n = 1, 475 sites), 90 min (n = 1,393 sites) or 240 min (n= 547 sites) (see Fig. 4 and Table S2: column I = “dynamic” combined with columns AK-AM = “dDHS_open”). S6B. Flowchart of STAT5-high DHS (i.e., n = 2,373 dynamic DHS) identifying hypox-responsive and exogenous GH pulse-responsive DHS in male mouse liver. Subsections of the 4-oval Venn diagram (shown in A) are used to illustrate the DHS subsets defined by the flowchart (7 subsets), including a set of 399 DHS that do not undergo chromatin closing following hypophysectomy and also do not undergo chromatin opening following an exogenous GH pulse. S6C. Boxplot analysis showing the magnitude of chromatin opening between STAT5-high and STAT5-low male livers for the 7 DHS subsets. The x-axis shows the DHS subsets numbered 1-7 with the corresponding number of DHS sites (as defined in B). RiPPM normalized DNase-seq read counts were obtained from the STAT5-high and STAT5-low male liver samples for the standard reference set of 70,211 DHS (Table S2). The relative magnitude of chromatin opening (i.e., fold-change value) was calculated from the ratio of STAT5-high/STAT5-low RiPPM-normalized DNase-seq read counts in the DHS region. Shown are the distributions of fold-change values for DHS subsets numbered 1-7 defined from the flowchart in B. A Wilcoxon rank-sum test with Benjamini–Hochberg p-value adjustment was used to determine significant differences between distributions of fold-change values (*P < 0.05, **P < 1e-03, ***P < 1e-10). See Table S6 for DNase-seq aggregate plot peak values. S6D. DNase-I cut site aggregate plots for the 7 DHS subsets defined in B. See Table S6 for DNase-seq aggregate plot peak values. Key findings shown in B, C and D: Another dynamic DHS subset, comprised of 399 DHS, was unresponsive to hypophysectomy and to GH pulse treatment (B). These DHS showed weaker mean chromatin accessibility and lower differential accessibility between STAT5-high and STAT5-low livers than the hypophysectomy and exogenous GH responsive sites (C, D). Of the STAT5-high DHS (n=2,373 sites), the subset that responded to hypox and/or a single exogenous GH pulse (set 3, n=1,974) showed significantly greater chromatin opening induced by an endogenous GH/STAT5 pulse than the non-responsive subset (n=399) in pituitary-intact male livers (set 3 vs. set 2). Data in D validate the large increase in chromatin accessibility in the set of responsive DHS compared to non-responsive DHS (set 3 vs. set 2). Of the responsive DHS (n=1,974 sites), the subset that was opened by an exogenous GH pulse (set 5, n=1,620 DHS) showed greater chromatin opening induced by an endogenous GH/STAT5 pulse than the DHS subset not opened by a single exogenous GH pulse (n=354) (set 4), a finding that was confirmed by the DNase-I aggregate cutting profiles shown in D. Of the GH pulse opened DHS (n=1,620 sites), the subset that was closed following hypophysectomy (n=1,133 sites) showed greater chromatin opening due to an endogenous GH/STAT5 pulse than the subset that was not closed following hypophysectomy (n=487 sites) (set 7 vs. set 6), as was also confirmed by DNase-I aggregate cutting profiles in D. Further, the DHS that closed after hypophysectomy and then reopen following an exogenous GH pulse at any of the three time points (30, 90, or 240 min) (n=1,133 sites; see Fig. 4D) showed the largest magnitude (C) and relative levels of chromatin opening (D) due an endogenous GH/STAT5 pulse when compared to the other DHS subsets (set 7 vs. sets 1-6).