Experimental Design and Behavioral Results.
A. All trials started with instructions on the probability (ranging from 0% to 100%) and intensity (weak, moderate, strong) of a potentially painful electrical stimulation (1 second), followed by the addition of a countdown bar that indicated the exact moment of stimulation or omission. The duration of the countdown clock was jittered between 3-7 seconds. Then, the screen cleared and the electrical stimulation was either delivered or omitted. Most of the trials (48 trials) did not contain the anticipated electrical stimulation (omission trials). Following a delay of 4 to 8 seconds, a rating scale appeared, probing stimulation-unpleasantness on stimulation trials, and relief-pleasantness on omission trials. After 8 seconds, an ITI between 4 and 7 seconds started, during which a fixation cross was presented on the screen. The task consisted in total of 72 trials, divided equally over 4 runs (18 trials/run). Each run contained all probability (25, 50, 75) x intensity (weak, moderate, strong) combinations exactly once not followed by the stimulation (9 omission trials), three 0%-omission trials (without any intensity information), three 100%-stimulation trials (followed by the stimulation of the given intensity, one per intensity level per run), and three additional trials from the probability (25,50,75) x Intensity (weak, moderate, strong) matrix that were followed by the stimulation (per run each level of intensity and probability was once paired with the stimulation). For a detailed overview of the trials see Supplementary Figure 1. B. SCR were scored as the time integral of the deconvoluted phasic activity (using CDA in Ledalab) within a response window of 1-4s post omission. Responses were square root transformed. SCR were larger following omissions of more probable and more intense US omissions. C. The pleasantness of the relief elicited by US omissions was rated on a VAS-scale ranging from 0 (neutral) to 100 (very pleasant). Omission-relief was rated as being more pleasant following omissions of more intense and more probable US. In both graphs, individual data points are presented, with the group averages plotted on top. The error bars represent standard error of the mean.