Figures and data
Usage frequency (%) of standard codons [stop codon (*), Q, C, Y and W] and reassigned stop codons (→Q, →C or →W) in 37 different eukaryotes
The Q-rich domains of seven different yeast proteins possess autonomous expression-enhancing (PEE) activities.
(A-B) N-terminal fusion of Rad51-NTD/SCD, Rad53-SCD1, Hop1-SCD, Sml1-NTD, Sup35-PND, Ure2-UPD and New1-NPD promotes high-level expression of LacZ-NVH, respectively. The NVH tag contains an SV40 nuclear localization signal (NLS) peptide preceding a V5 epitope tag and a hexahistidine (His6) affinity tag (1). Western blots for visualization of LacZ-NVH fusion proteins (A) and quantitative β-galactosidase assays (B) were carried out as described previously (1). Error bars indicate standard deviation between experiments (n ≥ 3). Asterisks indicate significant differences relative to wild type (WT) in A or lacking an NTD in B, with P values calculated using a two-tailed t-test (***, P value <0.001; **, P value <0.01). (C-D) The PEE activities of S/T/Q/N-rich domains are independent of the quaternary structures of target proteins. (C) Rad53-SCD1 can be used as an N-terminal fusion tag to enhance production of four different target proteins: LacZ-NVH, GST-NVH, GSTnd-NVH and GFP-NVH. (D) Visualization of native Rad51 (NTD-Rad51-ΔN), Rad51-ΔN, and the Rad51-ΔN fusion proteins by immunoblotting. Hsp104 was used as a loading control. Size in kilodaltons of standard protein markers is labeled to the left of the blots. The black arrowhead indicates the protein band of Rad51-ΔN. (E) MMS sensitivity. Spot assay showing five-fold serial dilutions of indicated strains grown on YPD plates with or without MMS at the indicated concentrations (w/v).
The autonomous protein-expression-enhancing function of Rad51-NTD is unlikely to be controlled during transcription or simply arise from plasmid copy number differences.
The effects of WT and mutant Rad51-NTD on β-galactosidase activities (A), plasmid DNA copy numbers (B), relative steady-state levels of LacZ-NVH mRNA normalized to ACT1 (actin) mRNA (C), and relative ratios of LacZ-NVH mRNA versus plasmid DNA copy number (D). The wild-type yeast cells were transformed with indicated CEN-ARS plasmids, respectively, to express WT and mutant Rad51-NTD-LacZ-NVH fusion proteins or LacZ-NVH alone under the control of the native RAD51 gene promoter (PRAD51). The relative quantification (RQ = 2-ΔΔϹT) values were determined to reveal the plasmid DNA copy number and steady-state levels of LacZ-NVH mRNA by g-qPCR and RT-qPCR, respectively. LacZ and ACT1 were selected as target and reference protein-encoding genes, respectively, in both g-qPCR and RT-qPCR. The data shown represent mean ± SD from three independent biological data-points.
The expression-promoting function of Rad51-NTD is controlled during protein translation and does not affect ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation.
(A) The steady-state protein levels of Rad51-NTD-LacZ-NVH and LacZ-NVH in WT and six protein homeostasis gene knockout mutants. (B-D) The impact of six protein homeostasis genes on the β-galactosidase activity ratios of Rad51-NTD-LacZ-NVH to LacZ-NVH in WT and the six gene knockout mutants (B). The β-galactosidase activities of LacZ-NVH (C) and Rad51-NTD-LacZ-NVH (D) in WT and the six gene knockout mutants are shown. Asterisks indicate significant differences, with P values calculated using a two-tailed t-test (***, P value <0.001; **, P value <0.01; *, P value <0.05).
Relative β-galactosidase (LacZ) activities are correlated with the percentage STQ or STQN amino acid content of three Q-rich motifs.
(A) List of N-terminal tags with their respective length, numbers of S/T/Q/N amino acids, overall STQ or STQN percentages, and relative β-galactosidase activities. (B-D) Linear regressions between relative β-galactosidase activities and overall STQ or STQN percentages for Rad51-NTD (B), Rad53-SCD1 (C) and Sup35-PND (D). The coefficients of determination (R2) are indicated for each simple linear regression. (E) The amino acid sequences of wild-type and mutant Rad51-NTD, Rad51-SCD1 and Sup35-PND, respectively.
Alanine scanning mutagenesis of intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs).
The amino acid sequences of WT and mutant IDRs are listed in Table S1. Total protein lysates prepared from yeast cells expressing Rad51-NTD-LacZ-NVH (A), Sup35-PND-LacZ-NVH (B) or Rad53-SCD1-LacZ-NVH (C) were visualized by immunoblotting with anti-V5 antisera. Hsp104 was used as a loading control. Quantitative yeast β-galactosidase (LacZ) assays were carried out as described in Figure 1. Error bars indicate standard deviation between experiments (n = 3). Asterisks indicate significant differences when compared to LacZ-NVH, with p values calculated using a two-tailed t-test (**, P value <0.01 and ***, P value <0.001).
Percentages of proteins with different numbers of SCDs, and polyQ, polyQ/N or polyN tracts in 37 different eukaryotes.
Q contents in 7 different types of polyQ motifs in 20 near-complete proteomes.
The five ciliates with reassigned stops codon (TAAQ and TAGQ) are indicated in red. Stentor coeruleus, a ciliate with standard stop codons, is indicated in green.
N contents in 7 different types of polyN motifs in 20 near-complete proteomes.
The five ciliates with reassigned stops codon (TAAQ and TAGQ) are indicated in red. Stentor coeruleus, a ciliate with standard stop codons, is indicated in green.
S contents in 7 different types of polyS motifs in 20 near-complete proteomes.
The five ciliates with reassigned stops codon (TAAQ and TAGQ) are indicated in red. Stentor coeruleus, a ciliate with standard stop codons, is indicated in green.
T contents in 7 different types of polyT motifs in 20 near-complete proteomes.
The five ciliates with reassigned stops codon (TAAQ and TAGQ) are indicated in red. Stentor coeruleus, a ciliate with standard stop codons, is indicated in green.
Usage frequencies of TAA*, TAG*, TAAQ, TAGQ, CAAQ and CAGQ codons in the entire proteomes of 20 different organisms.
Selection of biological processes with overrepresented SCD-containing proteins in different eukaryotes.
The percentages and number of SCD-containing proteins in our search that belong to each indicated Gene Ontology (GO) group are shown. GOfuncR (86) was applied for GO enrichment and statistical analysis. The p values adjusted according to the Family-wise error rate (FWER) are shown.
Selection of biological processes with overrepresented polyQ-containing proteins in different eukaryotes.
The percentages and numbers of polyQ-containing proteins in our search that belong to each indicated Gene Ontology (GO) group are shown. GOfuncR (86) was applied for GO enrichment and statistical analysis. The p values adjusted according to the Family-wise error rate (FWER) are shown. The five ciliates with reassigned stops codons (TAAQ and TAGQ) are indicated in red. Stentor coeruleus, a ciliate with standard stop codons, is indicated in green.