The Q-rich domains of seven different yeast proteins possess autonomous expression-enhancing (PEE) activities.
(A-B) N-terminal fusion of Rad51-NTD/SCD, Rad53-SCD1, Hop1-SCD, Sml1-NTD, Sup35-PND, Ure2-UPD and New1-NPD promotes high-level expression of LacZ-NVH, respectively. The NVH tag contains an SV40 nuclear localization signal (NLS) peptide preceding a V5 epitope tag and a hexahistidine (His6) affinity tag (27). Western blots for visualization of LacZ-NVH fusion proteins (A) and quantitative β-galactosidase assays (B) were carried out as described previously (27). Error bars indicate standard deviation between experiments (n ≥ 3). Asterisks indicate significant differences relative to wild type (WT) in A or lacking an NTD in B, with P values calculated using a two-tailed t-test (***, P value <0.001; **, P value <0.01). (C-D) The PEE activities of S/T/Q/N-rich domains are independent of the quaternary structures of target proteins. (C) Rad53-SCD1 can be used as an N-terminal fusion tag to enhance production of four different target proteins: LacZ-NVH, GST-NVH, GSTnd-NVH and GFP-NVH. (D) Visualization of native Rad51 (NTD-Rad51-ΔN), Rad51-ΔN, and the Rad51-ΔN fusion proteins by immunoblotting. Hsp104 was used as a loading control. Size in kilodaltons of standard protein markers is labeled to the left of the blots. The black arrowhead indicates the protein band of Rad51-ΔN. (E) MMS sensitivity. Spot assay showing five-fold serial dilutions of indicated strains grown on YPD plates with or without MMS at the indicated concentrations (w/v).