Quantitative results of the chemotactic response of the wild-type strain (HCB1288-pVS88) to potassium. A. A typical example of the dose-response measurement. The blue solid line denotes the original signal, and the red dots represent the pH-corrected signal, recalculated from the pH-corrected CFP and YFP signals using the response of the no-receptor strain. The vertical purple (green) dashed lines indicate the moment of adding (removing) stimulus. B. The dose-response curve of relative kinase activity to KCl. The blue dots and gray circles represent the pH-corrected and original experimental data, respectively. The red solid and gray dashed lines are the fit curves for the blue dots and gray circles, respectively, using a Hill function. The fitted Hill coefficient for original and pH-corrected response were 0.53±0.04 and 0.88±0.14, respectively, and the concentration for half-maximal response (K0.5) were 0.64±0.12 mM and 0.33±0.06 mM, accordingly. C. Definition of adaptation time in the step response. The gray and blue lines represent the original and pH-corrected signals, respectively. D. The adaptation level P = (R* − RL)/(1 − RL) and adaptation time (T) as a function of the concentration of KCl, calculated with pH-corrected data. The errors denote SEM.