Distribution of metabolites in E. coli cultures. (a) E. coli cells expressing Din11s were cultivated over night at 18 °C in medium supplemented with either 5 mM 2-oxoglutarate (2-OG), 5 mM arginine (Arg), or a combination of both. The cultures were diluted with a 20-fold excess of methanol containing 10 µM 13C15N-labelled guanidine as analytical standard. (b), (c) E. coli cells expressing soybean 2-ODD-C23 were grown over night at 18 °C in the presence of 1 mM homoarginine. The cells were harvested by centrifugation and lysed in 20 µl (mg Fw)-1 methanol containing 10 µM labelled guanidine. The supernatant was also mixed with a 20-fold excess of methanol with 10 µM labelled guanidine. Guanidine and pipecolate were quantified by LC-MS. The columns are the average ±SD of samples from three independent cultures. The experiments were repeated with consistent results. (d) and (e) Flame ionization detector traces of samples from the headspace of E. coli cultures overexpressing either ALDH7B4 (negative control), Din11s, or At3g50210 and supplemented with 5 mM Arg or homoarginine (HoArg) as indicated in the figures. One ml of a 1 ppm C2H4 standard or 2 ml of culture headspace were injected into a gas chromatograph (SGI 8610C, SRI Instruments, Los Angeles, CA, United States) equipped with a 3 m Hayesep-D column (60 °C, carrier gas N2). C2H4 was detected with a flame ionization detector (135 °C). The software PeakSimple v4.44 was used to record the chromatograms. The detector output was smoothed by averaging 9 measurements recorded at 5 Hz. Retention times for C2H4 shifted over time but were consistent within each set of measurements.