2-ODD C23 isoforms do not produce ethylene.
Flame ionization detector (FID) traces of samples from the headspace of E. coli cultures overexpressing Pseudomonas savastanoi EFE, Din11s, At3g49630, or At3g50210 and supplemented with 1 mM arginine or homoarginine as indicated in the figure. One ml of culture headspace was injected into a gas chromatograph (SGI 8610C, SRI Instruments, Los Angeles, CA, United States) equipped with a 3 m HayeSep-D column (80 °C, carrier gas N2). Methane from the ambient air and ethylene produced by the bacteria were detected with a flame ionization detector. The software PeakSimple v4.44 was used to record the chromatograms. The detector output was smoothed by averaging 9 measurements recorded at 3 Hz. Inset: Quantification of guanidine in the cultures by LC-MS was used to confirm that the enzymes had been active. All data are from single measurements and consistent results were obtained in independent replicates.