The acidic ED domain binds histones alone and in the full SpCAF-1 complex
a SEC profile and the SDS-PAGE purity of SpCAF1-H3-H4 histones at 150 mM NaCl and 1 M NaCl. b Mapping of the interaction between SpCAF-1(15N-Pcf1) and SpH3-H4 histones, using the intensities ratio (I/I0), where I and I0 are the intensity of the signals 1H-15N SOFAST-HMQC spectra before and after addition of histones, respectively. c Sequence Logo of the ED domain generated with a large data set of Pcf1 homologues. The position of the two conserved residues Y340 and W348, mutated in ED* are indicated with stars and conserved Pcf1 L359 and F380 residues with five and four branch stars respectively. d Mapping of the interaction between Pcf1_ED or Pcf1_ED* with SpH3−H4 histones using the intensities ratio (I/I0) as in b. Histones were added alone or previously complexed with histones chaperones. e Cartoon representation of the complex between human histones H3−H4 (light blue and cyan), Asf1 (light grey) and Mcm2 (dark grey) (PDB: 5BNX). f AlphaFold2 model of Pcf1 (353-385) (as red cartoon), corresponding to the segment of the ED domain indicated in red, in complex with histones H3−H4 (light blue and cyan surface) superimposed with Mcm2 and Asf1 as in panel e. The two insets represent zoomed views of the sidechains of the conserved Pcf1 L359 and F380 residues (red sticks) binding into H4 and H3 pockets, respectively. The same four and five branch stars are used to label these positions in the logo panel c.