NMR map of the structural response of PKA-CF100A to nucleotide and PKI binding.
(A) Comparison of the chemical shift perturbation (CSP) of the amide resonances for PKA-CF100A (black) and PKA-CWT (cyan) upon ATPγN binding. The dashed line indicates one standard deviation from the average CSP. (B) CSPs of PKA-CF100A/ATPγN amide resonances mapped onto the crystal structure (PDB: 4WB5). (C) Comparison of the CSPs of the amide resonances for PKA-CF100A and PKA-CWT upon binding ATPγN and PKI5-24 (black). (D) CSPs for the F100A/ATPγN/PKI complex mapped onto the crystal structure (PDB: 4WB5). To define the allosteric network of the kinase upon binding nucleotides and substrate, we examined the CS using CHEmical Shift Covariance Analysis (CHESCA),22,23,27 a statistical method that identifies correlated responses of residue pairs to a specific perturbation (i.e., ligand binding, mutations, etc.). CHESCA works under the assumption that pairwise correlated CS changes of residues identify possible intramolecular allosteric networks.52,53 For PKA-C, we found that coordinated structural rearrangements, as identified by CHESCA, are directly related to the extent of binding cooperativity.22,23,27 Therefore, we compared the CHESCA maps for PKA-CWT and PKACF100A for four different states: apo, ATPγN-, ADP-, and ATPγN/PKI5–24-bound. For PKA-CF100A, the CHESCA matrix exhibits sparser and more attenuated correlations (i.e., lower correlation co-efficient value) relative to PKA-CWT (Figure 10A). Although many inter-lobe correlations are still present for F100A, several other correlations in specific structural domains such as the αG-, αH-, and αI-helices are absent or attenuated. For instance, the F100A mutation does not display cor-relations between the αA-helix and the C-terminal tail that constitute a critical “complement to the kinase core”.54 We also utilized CHESCA to assess the allosteric communication among the PKA-C communities as defined by McClendon et al.55 The CHESCA community map for PKA-CWT shows strong correlations across the enzyme, especially for structurally adjacent communities and at the interface between the two lobes (see for instance the correlations among ComA, ComB, ComC, ComE, and ComH) (Figure 10B-C). For F100A, the CHESCA community map shows that the cross-talk between the nucleotide-binding (ComA) and positioning of αC-helix (ComB) communities, as well as the R-spine assembly (ComC) and the activation loop (ComF) communities are preserved (Figure 10B-C). However, the correlations between ComE, responsible for stabilizing the C spine, and ComC, involved in the assembly of the R spine, are absent. Similarly, the long-range correlations between the C and R spines (i.e., ComD with ComC) are missing. Finally, several correlations between ComF1, ComG, and ComH are no longer present. These communities orchestrate substrate recognition and R subunits binding. Overall, the CHESCA analysis for PKA-CF100A suggests that the reduced degree of cooperativity we determined thermodynamically corresponds to a decrease in coordinated structural changes upon ligand binding. The latter is apparent from the loss of correlated structural changes among the structural communities, including the hydrophobic spines, substrate binding cleft, and the docking surface for PKA interactions with other binding partners.