Figures and data
Overview of the peak and valley analysis method. First, we average the fMRI timeseries for each participant, for each abstract, concrete, and overlap cluster of activity from Figure 1. Then we label peaks and valleys in these (1) and map them onto word on- and off-set times (2). Finally, we estimate sensorimotor as well as valence and arousal representations for each abstract (blue frame) and concrete word (red frame) (3) and determine which dimensions are associated with significantly more peaks than valleys across participants in each cluster using a Kruskal Wallis test (4).
Method for estimating contextual situatedness for each concrete and abstract word to model context-dependent modulation of conceptual encoding. We use visual recognition models for automatically extracting labels that were visually present in the scene (60 frames, ∼2 seconds) before a given word was mentioned in the movie (1). We then correlate an average GloVe Vector embedding of all these labels with a GloVe Vector embedding of that word to estimate how closely related the labels of objects in the scene are to the word (2). Displayed are four randomly extracted measures of situated abstract (blue frame) and concrete (red frame) words (3) together with the objects that were visually present in the scene.
Neurobiology of conceptual processing across contexts. Coloured regions show group level results from a linear mixed effect model and subsequent general linear tests contrasting activity for concrete (red) versus abstract (blue) modulation at each of 20 timepoints after word onset. Overlapping regions (yellow) indicate a concrete and abstract difference at one of these timepoints. Results are thresholded and corrected for multiple comparisons at α = 0.01 and displayed with a cluster-size ≧ 20 voxels.
Meta-analytic description of conceptual processing across contexts. We used the Neurosynth meta-analysis package to find the terms associated with the centres of mass for each concrete (red), abstract (blue), and overlap (yellow) cluster from Figure 1. Numbers refer to the number of activation clusters associated with each meta-analytic term. There were significantly more concrete than abstract clusters for the term ‘Movement’(p < .001), whereas there were more abstract compared to concrete clusters for ‘Autobiographical Memory’, ‘Nausea’, ‘Pain’, ‘Theory of Mind’, and ‘Valence’ (all ps < 0.05). The term ‘language’ was significantly more associated with overlap clusters compared to concrete (p<0.001) and abstract clusters (p=0.045).
Peak and valley analysis results for understanding conceptual processing across contexts. We extract the type of information processed in each activation cluster by looking at experience-based features of movie words that are aligned with significantly more peaks than valleys (see Figure 3). Words highly rated on the sensorimotor dimensions ‘Haptic’, ‘Hand_Arm’, and ‘Torso’ were significantly more associated with concrete clusters (red, all ps < .05), ‘Valence’ with abstract clusters (blue, p < .001) and ‘Mouth’ with overlap clusters (yellow, ps < .05).
Spatial overlap between thresholded statistical brain images of concrete and abstract conceptual processing obtained from the original analysis across contexts and from the situatedness/displacement contrasts. Results show overlap of concreteness across contexts (red) with situated abstractness (purple) and displaced concreteness (magenta) (panel A). Overlap between abstractness across context (blue) with displaced concreteness (purple) and situated abstractness (light magenta) are displayed in panel B. All maps were thresholded at α = 0.01 with a cluster-size ≧ 20 voxels.
Meta analytic description of concrete and abstract activation clusters.
Peak and Valley between concrete and abstract activation clusters.
Peak and Valley Analysis for a 4s lag. A Kruskal-Wallis test shows that the distribution between sensorimotor and interoceptive/emotional dimensions for concrete and abstract words is significantly different to a 5s (H(2)=4,8, p=0.03 and 6s (H(2)=5.3, p=0.02) lag.
Peak and Valley Analysis for a 5s lag. Internal dimensions Valence and Arousal are significantly more associated with peaks in abstract compared to concrete clusters (Valence: H(2) = 5.8, p=.02; Arousal: H(2) = 6.7, p = .01). Conversely, concrete clusters are more associated with sensorimotor dimensions (Hand_Arm, Foot_Leg and Visual) – though not significantly so. Overlap is significantly more associated with “Mouth” (H(2) = 6.2, p=0.2).
Main effect of context. Most significantly modulated areas include the intersection between posterior temporal and occipital lobe, the Precuneus, Middle Prefrontal Cortex, as well as Angular Gyrus, and right inferior frontal gyrus. Results are thresholded and corrected for multiple comparisons at α = 0.01 and displayed with a cluster-size ≧ 20 voxels.
Main effect of word_type. Most significantly modulated areas include superior temporal sulcus, superior temporal gyrus and middle temporal gyrus (bilateral), angular gyrus (bilateral), the central sulcus and precentral and postcentral gyrus (right hemisphere), as well as lateral and medial frontal cortices and the occipital lobe. Results are thresholded and corrected for multiple comparisons at α = 0.01 and displayed with a cluster-size ≧ 20 voxels.
Interaction between context (high/low) and word type (abstract/concrete). Most significantly modulated areas include the Precuneus, Middle Prefrontal Cortex as well as Middle Frontal Gyrus, Angular Gyrus and Posterior Cingulate Cortex. These correspond to the nodes of the default mode network, which was confirmed by using the neurosynth decoder on the untrhesholded brain image. The top 3 keywords were: “default”; “default mode” and “dmn”. Displayed results are thresholded and corrected for multiple comparisons at α = 0.01 and displayed with a cluster-size ≧ 20 voxels.
Interaction between context and word type broken up. Nodes of the DMN are especially active in the displaced condition for both abstract and concrete words. Visual and sensorimotor areas are especially active in situated conditions for both abstract and concrete words. Results are thresholded and corrected for multiple comparisons at α = 0.01 and displayed with a cluster-size ≧ 20 voxels
Comparison between the language network (outline) and overlap activity for both concrete and abstract words across context. Results are thresholded and corrected for multiple comparisons at α = 0.01 and displayed with a cluster-size ≧ 20 voxels