Balance of Activity during a Critical Period Tunes a Developing Network

  1. Division of Neuroscience, School of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, University of Manchester, Manchester Academic Health Science Centre, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK
  2. Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 3EJ, United Kingdom

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, and public reviews.

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  • Reviewing Editor
    Mani Ramaswami
    Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
  • Senior Editor
    Claude Desplan
    New York University, New York, United States of America

Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

Activity has effects on the development of neural circuitry during almost any step of differentiation. In particular during specific time periods of circuit development, so-called critical periods (CP), altered neural activity can induce permanent changes in network excitability. In complex neural networks, it is often difficult to pinpoint the specific network components that are permanently altered by activity, and it often remains unclear how activity is integrated during the CP to set mature network excitability. This study combines electrophysiology with pharmacological and optogenetic manipulation in the Drosophila genetic model system to pinpoint the neural substrate that is influenced by altered activity during a critical period (CP) of larval locomotor circuit development. Moreover, it is then tested whether and how different manipulations of synaptic input are integrated during the CP to tune network excitability.

Based on previous work, during the CP, network activity is increased by feeding the GABA-AR antagonist PTX. This results in permanent network activity changes, as highly convincingly assayed by a prolonged recovery period following induced seizure and by altered intersegmental locomotor network coordination. This is then used to provide two important findings: First, compelling electro- and optophysiological experiments track the site of network change down to the level of single neurons and pre- versus postsynaptic specializations. In short, increased activity during the CP increases both the magnitude of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic transmission to the aCC motoneuron, but excitation is affected more strongly. This results in altered excitation inhibition ratios. Fine electrophysiology shows that excitatory synapse strengthening occurs postsynaptically. High-quality anatomy shows that dendrite size and numbers of synaptic contacts remain unaltered. It is a major accomplishment to track the tuning of network excitability during the CP down to the physiology of specific synapses to identified neurons.

Second, additional experiments with single neuron resolution demonstrate that during the CP different forms of activity manipulation are integrated so that opposing manipulations can rescue altered setpoints. This provides novel insight into how developing neural network excitability is tuned, and it indicates that during the CP, training can rescue the effects of hyperactivity.

There are no major weaknesses to the findings presented, but the molecular cause that underlies increased motoneuron postsynaptic responsiveness as well as the mechanism that integrates different forms of activity during the CP remain unknown. It is clear that addressing these experimentally is beyond the scope of this study, but some discussion about different candidates would be helpful.

Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

In this study, the authors use the tractable Drosophila embryonic/larval motor circuit to determine how manipulations of activity during a critical period (CP) modify the circuit in ways that persist into later developmental stages. Previously, this group demonstrated that manipulations to the aCC/MN-Ib neuron in embryonic stages enhance (or can rescue) susceptibility to seizures at later larval stages. Here, the authors demonstrate that following enhanced excitatory drive (by PTX feeding), the aCC neuron acquires increased sensitivity to cholinergic excitatory transmission, presumably due to increased postsynaptic receptor abundance and/or sensitivity, although this is not clarified. Although locomotion is not altered at later developmental larval stages, the authors suggest there is reduced "robustness" to induced seizures. The second part of the study then goes on to enhance inhibition during the CP in an attempt to counteract the enhanced excitation, and show that many aspects of the CP plasticity are rescued. The authors conclude that "average" E/I activity is integrated during the CP to determine the excitability of the mature locomotor network.

Overall, this study provides compelling mechanistic insight into how a final motor output neuron changes in response to enhanced excitatory drive during a CP to change the functionality of the circuit at later mature developmental stages. The first part of this study is strong, clearly showing the changes in the aCC neuron that result from enhanced excitatory input. This includes very nice electrophysiology and imaging data that assess synaptic function and structure onto aCC neurons from pre-motor inputs resulting from PTX exposure during development. However, the later experiments in Figures 6 and 7 designed to counteract the CP plasticity are somewhat difficult to interpret. In particular, the specificity of the manipulations of the ch neuron intended to counteract the CP plasticity is unclear, given the complexities of how these changes impact the excitability of all neurons during development. It is clear that CP plasticity is largely rescued in later stages, but it is hard to know if downstream or secondary adaptations may be masking the PTX-induced plasticity normally observed. Nonetheless, this study provides an important advance in our understanding of what parameters change during CPs to calibrate network dynamics at later developmental stages.

Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

In Hunter, Coulson et al, the authors seek to expand our understanding of how neural activity during developmental critical periods might control the function of the nervous system later in life. To achieve increased excitation, the authors build on their previous results and apply picrotoxin 17-19 hours after egg-laying, which is a critical period of nervous system development. This early enhancement of excitation leads to multiple effects in third-instar larvae, including prolonged recovery from electroshock, increased synchronization of motor neuron networks, and increased AP firing frequency. Using optogenetics and whole-cell patch clamp electrophysiology, the authors elegantly show that picrotoxin-induced over-excitation leads to increased strength of excitatory inputs and not loss of inhibitory inputs. To enhance inhibition, the authors chose an approach that involved the stimulation of mechanosensory neurons; this counteracts picrotoxin-induced signs of increased excitation. This approach to enhancing inhibition requires further control experiments and validation.

• The authors confirm their previous results and show that 17-19 hours after egg laying is a critical period of nervous system development.
• Using Ca2+/Sr2+ substitutions, the authors demonstrate that synaptic connections between A18a  aCC show increased mEPSP amplitudes. The authors show that this aCC input is what is driving enhanced excitation.
• The authors demonstrate that the effects of over-excitation attributed to picrotoxin exposure are generalizable and also occur in bss mutant flies.

• The authors build on their previous work and argue that the critical period (17-19h after egg-laying) is a uniquely sensitive period of development. Have the authors already demonstrated that exposure to picrotoxin at L1 or L2 (and even early L3 if experimentally possible) does not lead to changes in induced seizure at L3? This would further the authors' hypothesis of the uniqueness of the 17-19h AEL period. If this has already been established in prior publications, then this needs to be further explained. I do note in Gaicehllo and Baines (2015) that Fig 2E shows the identification of the 17-19h window.
• Regarding experiments in Fig 2, authors only report changes in AP firing frequency. Can the authors also report other metrics of excitability, including measures of intrinsic excitability with and without picrotoxin exposure (including RMP, Rm)? Was a different amount of current injection needed to evoke stable 5-10 Hz firing with and without picrotoxin? In the representative figure (Fig. 2A), it appears that the baseline firing frequencies are different prior to optogenetic stimulation.
• The ch-related experiments require further controls and explanation. Regarding experiments in Fig 6, what is the effect of ch neuron stimulation alone on time lag and AP frequency? Can the authors further clarify what is known about connections between aCC and ch neurons? It is difficult for this reviewer to conceptualize how enhancing ch-mediated inhibition would worsen seizures. While the cited study (Carreira-Rosario et al 2021) convincingly shows that inhibition of mechanosensory input leads to excessive spontaneous network activity, has it been shown that the converse - stimulation of ch neurons - indeed enhances network inhibition?
• The interpretation of ch-related experiments is further complicated by the explanation in the Discussion that ch neuron stimulation depolarizes aCC neurons; this seems to undercut the authors' previous explanation that the increased E:I ratio is corrected by enhanced inhibition from ch neurons. The idea that ch neurons are placing neurons in a depolarized refractory state is not substantiated by data in the paper or citations.
• In the Discussion, the authors suggest that enhanced proprioception leading to seizures is reminiscent of neurological conditions. This seems to be an oversimplification. Connecting abnormal proprioception to seizures is quite different from connecting abnormal proprioception to disorders of coordination. This should be revised.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation