Interface resistance of biomolecular condensates

  1. Center for the Physics of Biological Function, Princeton University, Princeton, United States
  2. Department of Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, United States
  3. Department of Biophysics, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, United States
  4. Department of Physics, Princeton University, Princeton, United States
  5. Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, United States
  6. Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Chevy Chase, United States
  7. Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, United States
  8. Department of Molecular Biology, Princeton University, Princeton, United States
  9. Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics, Princeton University, Princeton, United States

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, and public reviews.

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  • Reviewing Editor
    Arvind Murugan
    University of Chicago, Chicago, United States of America
  • Senior Editor
    Qiang Cui
    Boston University, Boston, United States of America

Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

In this paper by Zhang, the authors build a physical framework to probe the mechanisms that underlie the exchange of molecules between coexisting dense and dilute liquid-like phases of condensates. They first propose a continuum model, in the context of a FRAP-like experiment where the fluorescently labeled molecules inside the condensate are bleached at t=0 and the recovery of fluorescence is measured. Through this model, they identify how the key timescales of internal molecular mixing, replenishment from dilute phase, and interface transfer contribute to molecular exchange timescale. Motivated by a recent experiment reported by some of the co-authors previously (Brangwynne et al. in 2019) finding strong interfacial resistance in in-vitro protein droplets of LAF-1, they seek to understand the microscopic features contributing to the interfacial conductance (inversely proportional to the resistance). To check, they perform coarse-grained MD simulations of sticker-spacer self-associative polymers and report how conductance varies significantly even across the few explored sequences. Further, by looking at individual trajectories, they postulate that "bouncing" - i.e., molecules that approach the interface but are not successfully absorbed - is a strong contributor to this mass transfer limitation. Consistent with their predictions, sequences that have more free unbound stickers (i.e., for example through imbalance sequence sticker stoichiometries) have higher conductances and they show a simple linear scaling between the number of unbound stickers and conductance. Finally, they predict a droplet-size-dependent transition in recovery time behavior.

1. This paper is well-written overall and clear to understand.

2. By combining coarse-grained simulations, continuum modeling, and comparison to published data, the authors provide a solid picture of how their proposed framework relates to molecular exchange mechanisms that are dominated by interface resistance and LAF-1 droplets.

3. The choice of different ways to estimate conductance from simulation and reported data are thoughtful and convincing in their near agreement (although a little discussion of why and when they differ would be merited as well).

1. Almost the entirety of this paper is motivated by a previously reported FRAP experiment on a particular LAF-1 droplet in vitro. There are a few major concerns I have with how the original data is used, how these results may generalize, and the lack of connection of predictions with any other experiments (published or new).

a. The mean values of cdense, cdilute, diffusivities, etc. are taken from Taylor et al. to rule in the importance of interfacial mass transfer limits. While this may be true, the values originally inferred (in the 2019 paper that this paper is strongly built off) report extremely large confidence intervals/inferred standard errors. The authors should accordingly report all their inferences with correct standardized errors or confidence intervals, which in turn, allow us to better understand these data.

b. The generalizability of this model is hard to gauge when all comparisons are made to a single experiment reported in a previous paper.
i. Conceptually, the model is limited to single-component sticker-spacer polymers undergoing phase separation which is already a very simplified model of condensates - for e.g., LAF1 droplets in the cell have no perceptible interfacial mass limitations, also reported in Taylor et al. 2019 - so how these mechanisms relate to living systems as opposed to specific biochemistry experiments. So the authors need to discuss the implications and limitations of their model in the living context where there are multiple species, finite-size effects, and active processes at play.

ii. Second, can the authors connect their model to make predictions of the impact of perturbations to LAF-1 on exchange timescales? For example, are mutants (which change the number or positioning of "stickers") expected to show particular trends in conductances or FRAP timescales? Since LAF-1 is a relatively well-studied protein in vitro, can the authors further contrast their expectations with already published datasets that explore these perturbations, even if they don't generate new data?

iii. A key prediction of the interface limitation model is the size-dependent crossover in FRAP dynamics. Can the authors reanalyze published data on LAF-1 (albeit of different-size droplets) to check their predictions? At the least, is the crossover radius within experimentally testable limits?

c. The authors nicely relate the exchange timescale to various model parameters. Is LAF-1 the only protein for which the various dilute/dense concentrations/diffusivities are known? Given the large number of FRAP and other related studies, can the authors report on a few other model condensate protein systems? This will help broaden the reach of this model in the context of other previously reported data. If such data are lacking, a discussion of this would be important.

2. The reported sticker-spacer simulations, while interesting, represent a very small portion of the parameter space. Can the authors - through a combination of simulation, analyses, or physical reasoning, comment on how the features of their underlying microscopic model (sequence length, implicit linker length, relative stoichiometry of A/B for a given length, overall concentration, sequence pattern properties like correlation length) connect to conductance? This will provide more compelling evidence relating their studies beyond the cursory examination of handpicked sequences. A more verbose description of some of the methods would be appreciated as well, including specifically how to (a) calculate the bond lifetime of isolated A-B pair, and (b) how equilibration/convergence of MD simulations is established.

3. A lot of the main text repeats previously published models (continuum ones in Taylor et al. 2019 and Hubsatch et al., 2021, amongst others) and the idea of interface resistance being limiting was already explored quantitatively in Taylor 2019 (including approximate estimates of mass transfer limitations) - this is fine in context. While the authors do a good job of referring to past work in context, the main results of this paper, in my reading, are:
- a simplified physical form relating conductance timescales.
- sticker-spacer simulations probing microscopic origins.
- analysis of size-dependent FRAP scaling.

I am stating this not as a major weakness, but, rather - I would recommend summarizing and categorizing the sections to make the distinctions between previously reported work and current advances sufficiently clear.

Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

In this paper, the authors have obtained an analytical expression that provides intuition about regimes of interfacial resistance that depend on droplet size. Additionally, through simulations, the authors provide microscopic insight into the arrangement of sticky and non-sticky functional groups at the interface. The authors introduce bouncing dynamics for rationalizing quantity recovery timescales.

I found several sections that felt incomplete or needed revision and additional data to support the central claim and make the paper self-contained and coherent.

First, the analytical theory operates with diffusion coefficients for dilute and dense phases. For the dilute phase, this is fine. For the dense phase, I have doubts that dynamics can be described as diffusive. Most likely, dynamics is highly subdiffusive due to crowded, entangled, and viscoelastic environments of densely packed interactive biomolecules. Some explanation and justification are in order here.

The second major issue is that I did not find a clean comparison of simulations with the derived analytical expression. Simulations test various microscopic properties on the value of k, which is important. But how do we know that it is the same quantity that appears in the expressions? Also, how can we be sure that analytical expressions can guide simulations and experiments as claimed? The authors should provide sound evidence of the predictive aspect of their derived expressions.

Are the plots in Figure 4 coming from experiment, theory, and simulation? I could not find any information either in the text or in the caption.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation