Figures and data

A) Experimental procedure. B) An example of the semantic association task (left) and control task (right: pattern matching). Each trial starts with a fixation followed by stimuli, which have 3 items, a target on the top and 2 choices at the bottom. C) The location of volume of interest (VOI) for MRS (left ATL and vertex) and a representative MRS spectrum with estimated peaks (right). Colour bar indicates the number of overlapping participants. NAA: N-acetylaspartate. D) cTBS protocols. cTBS was applied over the left ATL and vertex as a control site. Each stimulation was delivered on different days with a week gap at least.

The effects of cTBS in the ATL.
A) ATL cTBS e-field modelling. B) cTBS-induced regional GABA changes in the ATL. Red bar indicates the ATL stimulation and white bar indicates the control (vertex) stimulation. C) fMRI results of the contrast of interest (semantic > control) in the ATL pre-stimulation session. D) cTBS-induced ATL BOLD signal changes during a semantic and control task. White bars represent the pre-stimulation session, and grey bars represent the post-stimulation session. E) The relationship between cTBS-induced GABA changes and BOLD signal changes in the ATL. F) The results of task performance. A positive value of cTBS effect (Post – Pre) in IE suggests an inhibitory effect, indicating poorer performance after the stimulation. In contrast, a negative value denotes a facilitatory effect, signifying improved performance following the stimulation. Red bar indicates the ATL stimulation and white bar indicates the control (vertex) stimulation. Each individual is represented as a circle. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01

A) Semantic task performance in pre- and post-ATL stimulation session. B) ATL GABA levels in pre- and post-ATL stimulation session. The red circle represents the responder, while the blue diamond denotes the non-responder. Each individual is represented as a circle. Error bars indicates standard errors. * p ≤ 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001

A) Local maxima of the voxel-wise regression analysis of the contrast (semantic > control) with GABA concentrations in the ATL. B) The relationship between individual GABA levels in the ATL and semantic task performance from our previous study (Jung et al., 2017) and current study (pre-stimulation session). C) The ATL GABA function in relation to semantic performance. D) The relationship between cTBS-induced changes in ATL GABA levels and semantic task performance. Dotted line represents the linear function between ATL GABA levels and semantic task performance. Coloured line represents the inverted U-shaped (quadratic) function between ATL GABA levels and semantic task performance.

Schematic diagram of relationship between the concentration of GABA in the ATL and semantic function.
A) Inverted U-shaped ATL GABA function in semantic memory B) Inverted U-shaped ATL GABA function for cTBS response on semantic memory.

The summary of tissue type within MRS VOIs. Mean ± SE

The effects of cTBS in Glx.
We conducted a 2 x 2 x 2 repeated measure of ANVOVA with a stimulation (ATL vs. vertex), session (PRE vs. POST), and VOI (ATL vs. vertex) as within subject factors. The results demonstrated a significant main effect of VOI (F1, 16 = 41.56, p < 0.001) (Fig. 1). The other effects did not reach a significant level.