A long motif in circHIPK3 is enriched in downregulated genes upon circHIPK3 knockdown
(A) Illustration of conserved miRNA binding sites in circHIPK3 based on AGO-CLIP data. (B) Percentage of genes in each group with miR-148ab-3p/152 target sites (CAGUGCA) in their 3’UTRs. Gene regulation is based on circHIPK3 KD vs scr siRNA transfection 24 hours (24h) post-transfection in J82. P-values obtained by Chi-square Test. (C) Procedure for motif enrichment analysis using Regmex. First, we extract all 7-mers in the sequence of circHIPK3. For each 7-mer, e.g., CCCTGCC, we identify their presence in the 3’UTR of genes. We order all genes according to a differential expression score calculated as the −log10(P-value) multiplied by the fold change direction, e.g., 1 for upregulated genes and −1 for downregulated genes. Then we calculate a motif score for each 7-mer based on their occurrences in either down- or upregulated genes. If a 7-mer has a positive motif score it means that it is enriched in the 3’UTR of genes that are upregulated upon circHIPK3 KD. Conversely, 7-mers with a negative motif score are primarily found in genes that are downregulated upon circHIPK3 KD. The 7-mer, CCCTGCC, is used for illustration purposes. (D) Regmex motif scores for circHIPK3 7-mers (UMUC3, 24h). Alignment of the ten 7-mers with the most negative motif scores are shown. 7-mers are ranked from most negative to most positive motif scores. Numbers correspond to rank. (E) Illustration of circHIPK3 and position of the ten motifs with the lowest motif scores. The 7-mers with the most negative motif scores found in circHIPK3 comprise a larger 11-mer, AGGCCCCCAGC, present in the sequence of circHIPK3. (F) Percentage of genes in each group containing the 11-mer motif upon circHIPK3 KD in UMUC3 cells (24h). P-values obtained by Chi-square Test.