Piezo1 deficiency abrogates integrin-dependent motility in human T cells which is mediated through redistribution of Piezo1 at the leading edge in response to chemokine stimulation.
A. MSD versus time calculated for GFP+ (potential Piezo1-knockdown cells) and GFP- (potential control cells) in GFP plasmid and Piezo1 siRNA co-transfected human CD4+ T lymphocytes, that were allowed to migrate in presence of recombinant CCL19 on ICAM1-coated dishes. B. Representative tracks of GFP+ and GFP- CD4+ T lymphocytes. Comparisons of C. % GFP+ cells after 72 hours of nucleofection D & E. 3D transwell migration assay of siRNA-transfected primary human CD4+ T lymphocytes (D) and Jurkat T cells (E), respectively. Data representative of at least 3 independent experiments. F. Representative confocal images of Piezo1 distribution in fixed untreated and CCL19-treated CD4+ T lymphocytes. 63X oil magnification. G. Comparison between Piezo1 polarity index calculated for fixed, stained, human CD4+ T lymphocytes with or without 0.5µg/ml CCL19 treatment for 20-30 minutes. N > 510 random cells, each. H. Piezo1 polarity index calculated for Jurkat cells, expressing mCherry-tagged Piezo1 during live-cell tracking in the presence of recombinant SDF1α. Each dot represents polarity index of each cell, averaged over all the time-frames. I. Representative time kinetics of particle image velocimetry (PIV) analysis of Piezo1-mcherry transfected Jurkat cells, allowed to move on ICAM-coated dishes in the presence of recombinant SDF1α. Top panel: No chemokine. Bottom Panel: SDF1α.