Effects of sphinganine-1-phosphate on primary sensory neurons
a) Neurons were stimulated with SA1P (1 or 10 µM, 1min or vehicle (0.7% methanol (v/v)). b) percentage of responding neurons to vehicle (0.7% methanol (v/v), 1 min), (SA1P (1 µM, 1min), AITC (allyl isothioncyanate, 75 µM, 30s) or capsaicin (caps, 200 nM, 20s). c) representative traces of SA1P-responding neurons and their response to AITC, capsaicin and KCl. d) percentage of SA1P-responding neurons responding to AITC, capsaicin (caps), AITC and capsaicin and KCl. Data are shown as mean ± SEM from at least six measurements per condition with at least 40 neurons per measurement, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.01, One-way ANOVA