Analysis of Pathogenicity Islands (PAIs) and G-quadruplexes (G4) in Pathogen Genomes.
(A) Phylogenetic analysis of pathogen genomes based on 89 bacterial strains, showing the evolutionary relationships among species. Additional genomic information, including genome size, GC content, rRNA density, tRNA density, and PAI length, is provided. The same color indicates the same species. (B) Genomic location of specific PAIs in bacterial genomes, divided into ten regions. PAIs are represented by green triangles, and their names are indicated. The tRNA insertion sites are also marked. (C) Heatmap illustrating the relative abundance of G4 structures in bacterial genomes, divided into ten regions. Red indicates a higher relative abundance, while blue indicates a lower relative abundance. (D & E) Correlation analysis between the number of G4 structures, the frequency of G4 structures and GC content in various genomic features, including the whole genome, genes, promoters, rRNA, and tRNA.