Mitochondrial differences:
(a) Schematic showing the mitochondrial genome encoded proteins and their fold change in hESCs and hiPSCs. (b) Boxplot showing the estimated copy numbers of all mitochondrial ribosomal proteins. (c) Schematic showing proteins involved in mitochondrial translation and their fold change (hiPSCs/hESCs). (d) Treeplot showing all mitochondrial transporters, size is proportional to the estimated copy numbers in hiPSCs. Boxplot showing the estimated copy numbers for (e) SLC25A20. (f) CPT1A. (g) MCAT, (h) MECR, (i) OSXM, (j) Boxplot showing the log2 fold change (hiPSC/hESCs) of all subunits of the different complexes of the electron transport chain. The median fold change across all detected proteins is shown as a dotted line. (k) Schematic showing the fold change of citic acid cycle and glutaminolysis proteins in hESCs and hiPSCs. (l) Boxplot showing the P/E control ratio. All boxplots show the data for hESCs and hiPSCs. For all boxplots, the bottom and top hinges represent the 1st and 3rd quartiles. The top whisker extends from the hinge to the largest value no further than 1.5 3 IQR from the hinge; the bottom whisker extends from the hinge to the smallest value at most 1.5 3 IQR of the hinge.