Regulation of HUVEC area and volume by cavin-1/PTRF, caveolin-1 and RhoA.
A Confocal spinning disk images of HUVECs stained with phalloidin-FITC and selected perimeters (yellow line) in the absence (− ExoC3) or presence of ExoC3 (+ ExoC3). Stars show presence of TEMs in ExoC3-treated cells. Scale bar, 20 µm.
B Schematic representation of the microfluidic chamber used to measure cell volume by fluorescence exclusion. Briefly, from the top i) side view of the chamber in which a cell adheres to a coverslip. The PDMS pillar sustains the ceiling (grey), and the maximal height of the chamber hmax (background) is known. The siCTRL, siCAV1 or siPTRF transfected HUVECs were seeded in the chamber and remained either untreated or treated with ExoC3. High molecular weight dextran-FITC (green) was added to the chamber and is non permeant to cells (values hx,y); ii) raw epifluorescence image showing a typical field of HUVEC; and iii) the graph of fluorescence intensities (in greyscale) show the function of distance along the dotted line. Parameters Imax and Imin yield values of maximum and minimum fluorescence intensities. Values for cell volume (Vcell) were obtained by integrating the fluorescence intensities hmax – hx,y over the cell area.
C Boxplots show the distribution of TEM areas values estimated from measures of their perimeters, which is shown in (A). Measurements were performed with HUVEC transfected with siCTRL (dark blue), siCAV1 (blue) or siPTRF (light blue) and then treated with ExoC3 (+ ExoC3) or untreated (− ExoC3). Measurements were performed with n>698 untreated cells and n>595 treated cells, 5 independent experiments.
D Boxplots show the distribution of cell volumes, as described in (B). Measurements were performed on HUVEC transfected with siCTRL, siCAV1 or siPTRF and then treated with ExoC3 (+ ExoC3) or untreated (− ExoC3). Data are from n=216 and n=308 cells after siCTRL ±ExoC3 treatment (dark blue), n=197 and n=266 cells after siCAV1 ±ExoC3 treatment (blue) and n=152 and n=157 cells after siPTRF 10 ±ExoC3 treatment (light blue); 3 independent experiments. The graphs show technical replicates pooled together. The data were analysed with a mixed-effect generalized linear model with Gamma log-link function, random intercept accounting for technical variability and Tukey’s correction for pairwise comparisons between control and each siRNA treatment, ****P<0.0001, **P<0.01, *P<0.05 and ns, not significant.