Recruitment of Pol II and Med1 in Notch-ON is infrequent and is augmented by ecdysone.
(A) GFP::Mam enrichment at E(spl)-C in Notch-OFF and Notch-ON conditions as in Figure 1, represented with a violin plot with mean marked by a cross and median by a bar. Right graph: proportions of nuclei with significant enrichment (obtained by performing a Gaussian fit on the fluorescence intensity Images, see Supplementary Figure S5). Over 90% nuclei have significant enrichment (Notch-OFF, n = 32, Notch-ON, n = 30)
(B) Recruitment of GFP::Rbp1, a subunit of Pol II, at E(spl)-C in Notch-OFF and Notch-ON nuclei. Images: example where enrichment is detected. Graph: proportions of nuclei with significant enrichment as in A (Notch-OFF, n = 37, Notch-ON, n = 43). All scale bars represent 5um.
(C) Recruitment of GFP::Med1 at E(spl)-C in Notch-OFF and Notch-ON nuclei. Images: example where enrichment is detected. Graph: proportions of nuclei with significant enrichment as in A (Notch-OFF and ON, n = 38, 62). All scale bars represent 5um.
(D) Transcriptional activity in Notch-ON cells detected using live imaging of GFP::MCP recruited to MS2 loops in transcripts produced by E(spl)bHLHmβ (see methods). Images: representative examples of active (upper) and inactive (lower) nuclei. Graph: Proportion of active nuclei (Notch-ON, n = 53)
(E) Recruitment of GFP::Med1, mCherry::Rbp1 and Halo::CSL. Med1 and Rbp1 recruitments are correlated. Images: example of co-recruitment of Med1, Rbp1 and CSL. Graph: Correlation plot of max enrichment per nucleus at E(spl)-C, (marked by Halo::CSL recruitment), n = 48.
(F) Pretreatment with ecdysone in Notch-ON conditions increases proportions of nuclei with recruitment of GFP::Rbp1, GFP::Med1 and with active transcription foci (MS2/MCP intensity) compared to controls (ETOH). Proportions of nuclei with significant enrichment defined as in A. Rbp3 ctrl, ecdysone: n = 39, 36. Med1 ctrl, ecdysone: n = 34, 34. MS2 ON ctrl, ON ecdysone, OFF ecdysone: n = 52, 42, 22.
See also Supplementary Figure S5.