Chronic intermittent experimental protocol. (A) Equipment set up for control and CIH protocols. Two plexiglass chambers supplied with a fan, oxygen sensor, and valves for compressed air and Nitrogen. The top chamber serves as the CIH chamber where the oxygen level is automatically controlled by the Oxycycler computer software on top of the chambers. The bottom chamber serves as the control chamber where only air flows through the chamber and the oxygen level is kept at 21% O2. The mice are kept in their home cage and placed in either chamber for 21 days. (B) In the CIH chamber nitrogen (N2, purple dot) flows into the chamber for 60s, or until the O2 level reaches 5%. In the event the O2 level reaches 5% before 60s, no gas flows into the chamber. After 60s, compress air (green dot) flows into the chamber for 5 minutes. These 6 minutes create one bout and is repeated 80 times a day. (C) Graphical depiction of all muscles: submental complex, laryngeal complex and diaphragm; and nerves: hypoglossal and vagus, recorded to measure swallow and breathing activity. The blue circles depict optrode placement over PiCo.