Protein language model embedded geometric graphs power inter-protein contact prediction

  1. School of Physics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, public reviews, and a provisional response from the authors.

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  • Reviewing Editor
    Anne-Florence Bitbol
    Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Senior Editor
    Aleksandra Walczak
    École Normale Supérieure - PSL, Paris, France

Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


Given knowledge of the amino acid sequence and of some version of the 3D structure of two monomers that are expected to form a complex, the authors investigate whether it is possible to accurately predict which residues will be in contact in the 3D structure of the expected complex. To this effect, they train a deep learning model that takes as inputs the geometric structures of the individual monomers, per-residue features (PSSMs) extracted from MSAs for each monomer, and rich representations of the amino acid sequences computed with the pre-trained protein language models ESM-1b, MSA Transformer, and ESM-IF. Predicting inter-protein contacts in complexes is an important problem. Multimer variants of AlphaFold, such as AlphaFold-Multimer, are the current state of the art for full protein complex structure prediction, and if the three-dimensional structure of a complex can be accurately predicted then the inter-protein contacts can also be accurately determined. By contrast, the method presented here seeks state-of-the-art performance among models that have been trained end-to-end for inter-protein contact prediction.


The paper is carefully written and the method is very well detailed. The model works both for homodimers and heterodimers. The ablation studies convincingly demonstrate that the chosen model architecture is appropriate for the task. Various comparisons suggest that PLMGraph-Inter performs substantially better, given the same input than DeepHomo, GLINTER, CDPred, DeepHomo2, and DRN-1D2D_Inter. As a byproduct of the analysis, a potentially useful heuristic criterion for acceptable contact prediction quality is found by the authors: namely, to have at least 50% precision in the prediction of the top 50 contacts.


My biggest issue with this work is the evaluations made using *bound* monomer structures as inputs, coming from the very complexes to be predicted. Conformational changes in protein-protein association are the key element of the binding mechanism and are challenging to predict. While the GLINTER paper (Xie & Xu, 2022) is guilty of the same sin, the authors of CDPred (Guo et al., 2022) correctly only report test results obtained using predicted unbound tertiary structures as inputs to their model. Test results using experimental monomer structures in bound states can hide important limitations in the model, and thus say very little about the realistic use cases in which only the unbound structures (experimental or predicted) are available. I therefore strongly suggest reducing the importance given to the results obtained using bound structures and emphasizing instead those obtained using predicted monomer structures as inputs.

In particular, the most relevant comparison with AlphaFold-Multimer (AFM) is given in Figure S2, *not* Figure 6. Unfortunately, it substantially shrinks the proportion of structures for which AFM fails while PLMGraph-Inter performs decently. Still, it would be interesting to investigate why this occurs. One possibility would be that the predicted monomer structures are of bad quality there, and PLMGraph-Inter may be able to rely on a signal from its language model features instead. Finally, AFM multimer confidence values ("iptm + ptm") should be provided, especially in the cases in which AFM struggles.

Besides, in cases where *any* experimental structures - bound or unbound - are available and given to PLMGraph-Inter as inputs, they should also be provided to AlphaFold-Multimer (AFM) as templates. Withholding these from AFM only makes the comparison artificially unfair. Hence, a new test should be run using AFM templates, and a new version of Figure 6 should be produced. Additionally, AFM's mean precision, at least for top-50 contact prediction, should be reported so it can be compared with PLMGraph-Inter's.

It's a shame that many of the structures used in the comparison with AFM are actually in the AFM v2 training set. If there are any outside the AFM v2 training set and, ideally, not sequence- or structure-homologous to anything in the AFM v2 training set, they should be discussed and reported on separately. In addition, why not test on structures from the "Benchmark 2" or "Recent-PDB-Multimers" datasets used in the AFM paper?

It is also worth noting that the AFM v2 weights have now been outdated for a while, and better v3 weights now exist, with a training cutoff of 2021-09-30.

Another weakness in the evaluation framework: because PLMGraph-Inter uses structural inputs, it is not sufficient to make its test set non-redundant in sequence to its training set. It must also be non-redundant in structure. The Benchmark 2 dataset mentioned above is an example of a test set constructed by removing structures with homologous templates in the AF2 training set. Something similar should be done here.

Finally, the performance of DRN-1D2D for top-50 precision reported in Table 1 suggests to me that, in an ablation study, language model features alone would yield better performance than geometric features alone. So, I am puzzled why model "a" in the ablation is a "geometry-only" model and not a "LM-only" one.

Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

This work introduces PLMGraph-Inter, a new deep-learning approach for predicting inter-protein contacts, which is crucial for understanding protein-protein interactions. Despite advancements in this field, especially driven by AlphaFold, prediction accuracy and efficiency in terms of computational cost) still remains an area for improvement. PLMGraph-Inter utilizes invariant geometric graphs to integrate the features from multiple protein language models into the structural information of each subunit. When compared against other inter-protein contact prediction methods, PLMGraph-Inter shows better performance which indicates that utilizing both sequence embeddings and structural embeddings is important to achieve high-accuracy predictions with relatively smaller computational costs for the model training.

The conclusions of this paper are mostly well supported by data, but test examples should be revisited with a more strict sequence identity cutoff to avoid any potential information leakage from the training data. The main figures should be improved to make them easier to understand.

  1. The sequence identity cutoff to remove redundancies between training and test set was set to 40%, which is a bit high to remove test examples having homology to training examples. For example, CDPred uses a sequence identity cutoff of 30% to strictly remove redundancies between training and test set examples. To make their results more solid, the authors should have curated test examples with lower sequence identity cutoffs, or have provided the performance changes against sequence identities to the closest training examples.

  2. Figures with head-to-head comparison scatter plots are hard to understand as scatter plots because too many different methods are abstracted into a single plot with multiple colors. It would be better to provide individual head-to-head scatter plots as supplementary figures, not in the main figure.

  3. The authors claim that PLMGraph-Inter is complementary to AlphaFold-multimer as it shows better precision for the cases where AlphaFold-multimer fails. To strengthen the point, the qualities of predicted complex structures via protein-protein docking with predicted contacts as restraints should have been compared to those of AlphaFold-multimer structures.

  4. It would be interesting to further analyze whether there is a difference in prediction performance depending on the depth of multiple sequence alignment or the type of complex (antigen-antibody, enzyme-substrates, single species PPI, multiple species PPI, etc).

Author Response

Public Reviews:

Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


Given knowledge of the amino acid sequence and of some version of the 3D structure of two monomers that are expected to form a complex, the authors investigate whether it is possible to accurately predict which residues will be in contact in the 3D structure of the expected complex. To this effect, they train a deep learning model that takes as inputs the geometric structures of the individual monomers, per-residue features (PSSMs) extracted from MSAs for each monomer, and rich representations of the amino acid sequences computed with the pre-trained protein language models ESM-1b, MSA Transformer, and ESM-IF. Predicting inter-protein contacts in complexes is an important problem. Multimer variants of AlphaFold, such as AlphaFold-Multimer, are the current state of the art for full protein complex structure prediction, and if the three-dimensional structure of a complex can be accurately predicted then the inter-protein contacts can also be accurately determined. By contrast, the method presented here seeks state-of-the-art performance among models that have been trained end-to-end for inter-protein contact prediction.


The paper is carefully written and the method is very well detailed. The model works both for homodimers and heterodimers. The ablation studies convincingly demonstrate that the chosen model architecture is appropriate for the task. Various comparisons suggest that PLMGraph-Inter performs substantially better, given the same input than DeepHomo, GLINTER, CDPred, DeepHomo2, and DRN-1D2D_Inter. As a byproduct of the analysis, a potentially useful heuristic criterion for acceptable contact prediction quality is found by the authors: namely, to have at least 50% precision in the prediction of the top 50 contacts.

We thank the reviewer for recognizing the strengths of our work!


My biggest issue with this work is the evaluations made using bound monomer structures as inputs, coming from the very complexes to be predicted. Conformational changes in protein-protein association are the key element of the binding mechanism and are challenging to predict. While the GLINTER paper (Xie & Xu, 2022) is guilty of the same sin, the authors of CDPred (Guo et al., 2022) correctly only report test results obtained using predicted unbound tertiary structures as inputs to their model. Test results using experimental monomer structures in bound states can hide important limitations in the model, and thus say very little about the realistic use cases in which only the unbound structures (experimental or predicted) are available. I therefore strongly suggest reducing the importance given to the results obtained using bound structures and emphasizing instead those obtained using predicted monomer structures as inputs.

We thank the reviewer for the suggestion! We evaluated PLMGraph-Inter with the predicted monomers and analyzed the result in details (see the “Impact of the monomeric structure quality on contact prediction” section and Figure 3). To mimic the real cases, we even deliberately reduced the performance of AF2 by using reduced MSAs (see the 2nd paragraph in the ““Impact of the monomeric structure quality on contact prediction” section). We leave some of the results in the supplementary of the current manuscript (Table S2). We will move these results to the main text to emphasize the performance of PLMGraph-Inter with the predicted monomers in the revision.

In particular, the most relevant comparison with AlphaFold-Multimer (AFM) is given in Figure S2, not Figure 6. Unfortunately, it substantially shrinks the proportion of structures for which AFM fails while PLMGraph-Inter performs decently. Still, it would be interesting to investigate why this occurs. One possibility would be that the predicted monomer structures are of bad quality there, and PLMGraph-Inter may be able to rely on a signal from its language model features instead. Finally, AFM multimer confidence values ("iptm + ptm") should be provided, especially in the cases in which AFM struggles.

We thank the reviewer for the suggestion! Yes! The performance of PLMGraph-Inter drops when the predicted monomers are used in the prediction. However, it is difficult to say which is a fairer comparison, Figure 6 or Figure S2, since AFM also searched monomer templates (see the third paragraph in 7. Supplementary Information : 7.1 Data in the AlphaFold-Multimer preprint: in the prediction. When we checked our AFM runs, we found that 99% of the targets in our study (including all the targets in the four datasets: HomoPDB, HeteroPDB, DHTest and DB5.5) employed at least 20 templates in their predictions, and 87.8% of the targets employed the native templates. We will provide the AFM confidence values of the AFM predictions in the revision.

Besides, in cases where any experimental structures - bound or unbound - are available and given to PLMGraph-Inter as inputs, they should also be provided to AlphaFold-Multimer (AFM) as templates. Withholding these from AFM only makes the comparison artificially unfair. Hence, a new test should be run using AFM templates, and a new version of Figure 6 should be produced. Additionally, AFM's mean precision, at least for top-50 contact prediction, should be reported so it can be compared with PLMGraph-Inter's.

We thank the reviewers for the suggestion! We would like to notify that AFM also searched monomer templates (see the third paragraph in 7. Supplementary Information : 7.1 Data in the AlphaFold-Multimer preprint: in the prediction. When we checked our AFM runs, we found that 99% of the targets in our study (including all the targets in the four datasets: HomoPDB, HeteroPDB, DHTest and DB5.5) employed at least 20 templates in their predictions, and 87.8% of the targets employed the native template.

It's a shame that many of the structures used in the comparison with AFM are actually in the AFM v2 training set. If there are any outside the AFM v2 training set and, ideally, not sequence- or structure-homologous to anything in the AFM v2 training set, they should be discussed and reported on separately. In addition, why not test on structures from the "Benchmark 2" or "Recent-PDB-Multimers" datasets used in the AFM paper?

We thank the reviewer for the suggestion! The biggest challenge to objectively evaluate AFM is that as far as we known, AFM does not release the PDB ids of its training set and the “Recent-PDB-Multimers” dataset. “Benchmark 2” only includes 17 heterodimer proteins, and the number can be further decreased after removing targets redundant to our training set. We think it is difficult to draw conclusions from such a small number of targets. In the revision, we will analyze the performance of AFM on targets released after the date cutoff of the AFM training set, but with which we cannot totally remove the redundancy between the training and the test sets of AFM.

It is also worth noting that the AFM v2 weights have now been outdated for a while, and better v3 weights now exist, with a training cutoff of 2021-09-30.

We thank the reviewer for reminding the new version of AFM. The only difference between AFM V3 and V2 is the cutoff date of the training set. Our test set would have more overlaps with the training set of AFM V3, which is one reason that we think AFM V2 is more appropriate to be used in the comparison.

Another weakness in the evaluation framework: because PLMGraph-Inter uses structural inputs, it is not sufficient to make its test set non-redundant in sequence to its training set. It must also be non-redundant in structure. The Benchmark 2 dataset mentioned above is an example of a test set constructed by removing structures with homologous templates in the AF2 training set. Something similar should be done here.

We agree with the reviewer that testing whether the model can keep its performance on targets with no templates (i.e. non-redundant in structure) is important. We will perform the analysis in the revision.

Finally, the performance of DRN-1D2D for top-50 precision reported in Table 1 suggests to me that, in an ablation study, language model features alone would yield better performance than geometric features alone. So, I am puzzled why model "a" in the ablation is a "geometry-only" model and not a "LM-only" one.

Using the protein geometric graph to integrate multiple protein language models is the main idea of PLMGraph-Inter. Comparing with our previous work (DRN-1D2D_Inter), we consider the building of the geometric graph as one major contribution of this work. To emphasize the efficacy of this geometric graph, we chose to use the “geometry-only” model as the base model. We will further clarity this in the revision.

Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

This work introduces PLMGraph-Inter, a new deep-learning approach for predicting inter-protein contacts, which is crucial for understanding protein-protein interactions. Despite advancements in this field, especially driven by AlphaFold, prediction accuracy and efficiency in terms of computational cost) still remains an area for improvement. PLMGraph-Inter utilizes invariant geometric graphs to integrate the features from multiple protein language models into the structural information of each subunit. When compared against other inter-protein contact prediction methods, PLMGraph-Inter shows better performance which indicates that utilizing both sequence embeddings and structural embeddings is important to achieve high-accuracy predictions with relatively smaller computational costs for the model training.

The conclusions of this paper are mostly well supported by data, but test examples should be revisited with a more strict sequence identity cutoff to avoid any potential information leakage from the training data. The main figures should be improved to make them easier to understand.

We thank the reviewer for recognizing the significance of our work! We will revise the manuscript carefully to address the reviewer’s concerns.

  1. The sequence identity cutoff to remove redundancies between training and test set was set to 40%, which is a bit high to remove test examples having homology to training examples. For example, CDPred uses a sequence identity cutoff of 30% to strictly remove redundancies between training and test set examples. To make their results more solid, the authors should have curated test examples with lower sequence identity cutoffs, or have provided the performance changes against sequence identities to the closest training examples.

We thank the reviewer for the valuable suggestion! Using different thresholds to reduce the redundancy between the test set and the training set is a very good suggestion, and we will perform the analysis in the revision. In the current version of the manuscript, the 40% sequence identity is used as the cutoff for many previous studies used this cutoff (e.g. the Recent-PDB-Multimers used in AlphaFold-Multimer (see: 7.8 Datasets in the AlphaFold-Multimer paper); the work of DSCRIPT: (see: the PPI dataset paragraph in the METHODS DETAILS section of the STAR METHODS)). One reason for using the relatively higher threshold for PPI studies is that PPIs are generally not as conserved as protein monomers.

We performed a preliminary analysis using different thresholds to remove redundancy when preparing this provisional response letter:

Author response table 1.

Table1. The performance of PLMGraph-Inter on the HomoPDB and HeteroPDB test sets using native structures(AlphaFold2 predicted structures).


To remove redundancy, we clustered 11096 sequences from the training set and test sets (HomoPDB, HeteroPDB) using MMSeq2 with different sequence identity threshold (40%, 30%, 20%, 10%) (the lowest cutoff for CD-HIT is 40%, so we switched to MMSeq2). Each sequence is then uniquely labeled by the cluster (e.g. cluster 0, cluster 1, …) to which it belongs, from which each PPI can be marked with a pair of clusters (e.g. cluster 0-cluster 1). The PPIs belonging to the same cluster pair (note: cluster n - cluster m and cluster n-cluster m were considered as the same pair) were considered as redundant. For each PPI in the test set, if the pair cluster it belongs to contains the PPI belonging to the training set, we remove that PPI from the test set.

We will perform more detailed analyses in the revised manuscript.

  1. Figures with head-to-head comparison scatter plots are hard to understand as scatter plots because too many different methods are abstracted into a single plot with multiple colors. It would be better to provide individual head-to-head scatter plots as supplementary figures, not in the main figure.

We thank the reviewer for the suggestion! We will include the individual head-to-head scatter plots as supplementary figures in the revision.

  1. The authors claim that PLMGraph-Inter is complementary to AlphaFold-multimer as it shows better precision for the cases where AlphaFold-multimer fails. To strengthen the point, the qualities of predicted complex structures via protein-protein docking with predicted contacts as restraints should have been compared to those of AlphaFold-multimer structures.

We thank the reviewer for the suggestion! We will add this comparison in the revision.

  1. It would be interesting to further analyze whether there is a difference in prediction performance depending on the depth of multiple sequence alignment or the type of complex (antigen-antibody, enzyme-substrates, single species PPI, multiple species PPI, etc).

We thank the reviewer for the suggestion! We will perform such analysis in the revision.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation