Investigation of neurons activated by social behavior with Hr38 FISH.
(A) Hr38 expression in the neurons labeled with P1a-split GAL4, Tk-GAL4, and aSP2-split GAL4 drivers. magenta: myr::GFP, yellow: Hr38 HCR signals. Dotted lines depicted the outlines of myr::GFP labeled cell bodies. Arrows: cell bodies of Hr38 positive neurons. Scale bar: 10µm. (B) (D) Upper, scatter plots indicate expression level (relative intensity) of Hr38 HCR signals; lower bar plots indicate percentage of Hr38 positive neurons (“positive” defined as neurons with a relative signal intensity > 3σ above the average signal intensity of the control condition) in P1a (B), Tk (C), and aSP2 cells (D) after different behavioral episodes. Aggression: aggressive behavior against another male, Dead: interaction with a dead male, No Food: interaction with another male without food (no fighting), Mesh: interaction with another male, separated with mesh (no physical contact), Courtship: courtship behavior with a virgin female. Bar plots indicate the percentage of Hr38+ neurons among GFP-labeled cells. Bars with the same letter are not statistically significantly different; bars with no common letter are significantly different (p < 0.05, chi-square test). Number of neurons and individuals analyzed; P1a-Control: 135 (N = 8), P1a-Aggression: 84 (N = 5), P1a-Dead Male: 126 (N = 7), P1a-No Food: 115 (N = 6), P1a-Mesh: 87 (N = 6), P1a-Courtship: 114 (N = 6), Tk-Control: 45 (N = 4), Tk-Aggression: 69 (N = 6), Tk-Dead Male: 61 (N = 6), Tk-No Food: 63 (N = 6), Tk-Mesh: 82 (N = 8), Tk-Courtship: 66 (N = 6), aSP2-Control: 20 (N = 3), aSP2-Aggression: 36 (N = 4), aSP2-Dead Male: 23 (N = 3), aSP2-No Food: 49 (N = 4), aSP2-Mesh: 36 (N = 4), aSP2-Courtship: 24 (N = 3).