Epigenomic alterations affected by antipsychotic treatment.
(A) Scatter plot of average pairwise change in PPR (PPRschizophrenia – PPRcontrol) for AF vs AT NeuN+ cohorts. Orange regions show cohort (AF – AT) < 0.5 (i.e., alterations recovered by antipsychotic treatment), whereas beige regions show cohort (AT – AF) > 0.5 (i.e., alterations consequence of antipsychotic treatment). TFs FDR < 0.05 highlighted in red.
(B) Scatter plot of average pairwise change in PPR (PPRschizophrenia – PPRcontrol) for AF vs AT NeuN- cohorts. Dark blue regions show cohort (AF – AT) < 0.5 (i.e., alterations recovered by antipsychotic treatment), whereas cyan regions show cohort (AT – AF) > 0.5 (i.e., alterations consequence of antipsychotic treatment). TFs FDR < 0.05 highlighted in red.
(C) Number of DEG regulatees by TFs, and number of DEGs in NeuN+ nuclei from AF-schizophrenia/control pairs.
(D) Number of DEG regulatees by TFs, and number of DEGs in NeuN- nuclei from AF-schizophrenia/control pairs.
(E) Number of DEG regulatees by TFs, and number of DEGs in NeuN+ nuclei from AT-schizophrenia/control pairs.
(F) Number of DEG regulatees by TFs, and number of DEGs in NeuN- nuclei from AT-schizophrenia/control pairs.
(G) Functional enrichment analysis of union of genes from AF-schizophrenia/control pairs in NeuN+ nuclei.
(H) Functional enrichment analysis of union of genes from AF-schizophrenia/control pairs in NeuN- nuclei.
(I) Pairwise expression difference (schizophrenia – control) of an exemplar AF-schizophrenia/control cohort DEG (TUBB2A) across all 29 schizophrenia-control pairs in NeuN+ nuclei.
(J) H3K27ac tracks for PDK1 (member of the 84 gene set in E) in NeuN+ nuclei. Box highlighting the FOXO1 DNA-binding motif in promoter at position chr2: 172,555,706 – 172,555,718 (GRCh38). Two exemplar AT-schizophrenia/control cohort pairs showing differential H3K27ac peak intensity around motif locus and an example AF-schizophrenia/control cohort patient pair with no difference.