3D OT-TP-LSM images of human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC)
(A) Large-area OT-TP-LSM and H&E stained slide images of PDAC arising from IPMN specimen. Pink solid line indicates the IPMN area. (B and C) Magnified two-depth OT-TP-LSM images of ROI 1 and 2 in the PDAC region and the corresponding H&E stained images. ROI 1 was on the PDAC, and ROI 2 was on the boundary region between nonneoplastic pancreatitis and PDAC, respectively. A nonneoplastic duct and a PDAC were marked with green and red arrows, respectively. A white dashed line indicated the boundary between nonneoplastic pancreatitis and PDAC. In the OT-TP-LSM images, PI-labeled cells and SHG-emitting collagen are displayed in green and blue, respectively.