The embryonic role of juvenile hormone in the firebrat, Thermobia domestica, reveals its function before its involvement in metamorphosis

  1. Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, Friday Harbor, WA, USA
  2. Department of Biology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA USA
  3. University of South Bohemia, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic
  4. Biology Centre, Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Parasitology, Ceske, Czech Republic
  5. Department of Biological Sciences and BSI, Florida International University, FL, USA
  6. Department of Parasitology, University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, and public reviews.

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  • Reviewing Editor
    Ariel Chipman
    The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
  • Senior Editor
    Claude Desplan
    New York University, New York, United States of America

Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

This paper provides strong evidence for the roles of JH in an ametabolous insect species. In particular, it demonstrates that:
• JH shifts embryogenesis from a growth mode to a differentiation mode and is responsible for terminal differentiation during embryogenesis. This, and other JH roles, are first suggested as correlations, based on the timing of JH peaks, but then experimentally demonstrated using JH antagonists and rescue thereof with JH mimic. This is a robust approach and the experimental results are very convincing.
• JH redirects ecdysone-induced molting to direct formation of a more mature cuticle
• Kr-h1 is downstream of JH in Thermobia, as it is in other insects, and is a likely mediator of many JH effects
• The results support the proposed model that an ancestral role of JH in promoting and maintaining differentiation was coopted during insect radiations to drive the evolution of metamorphosis. However, alternate evolutionary scenarios should also be considered.

Overall, this is a beautiful, in-depth student. The paper is well-written and clear. The background places the work in a broad context and shows its importance in understanding fundamental questions about insect biology. The researchers are leaders in the field, and a strength of this manuscript is their use of a variety of different approaches (enzymatic assays, gene expression, agonists & antagonists, analysis of morphology using different types of microscopy and detection, and more) to attack their research questions. The experimental data is clearly presented and carefully executed with appropriate controls and attention to detail. The 'multi-pronged' approach provides support for the conclusions from different angles, strengthening conclusions. In sum, the data presented are convincing and the conclusions about experimental outcomes are well-justified based on the results obtained.

This paper provides more detail than is likely needed for readers outside the field but also provides sufficient depth for those in the field. This is both a strength and a weakness. I would suggest the authors shorten some aspects of their text to make it more accessible to a broader audience. In particular, the discussion is very long and accompanied by two model figures. The discussion could be tightened up and much of the text used for a separate review article (perhaps along with Figure 11) that would bring more attention to the proposed evolution of JH roles.

Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

The authors have studied in detail the embryogenesis of the ametabolan insect Thermobia domestica. They have also measured the levels of the two most important hormones in insect development: juvenile hormone (JH) and ecdysteroids. The work then focuses on JH, whose occurrence concentrates in the final part (between 70 and 100%) of embryo development. Then, the authors used a precocene compound (7-ethoxyprecocene, or 7EP) to destroy the JH producing tissues in the embryo of the firebrat T. domestica, which allowed to unveil that this hormone is critically involved in the last steps of embryogenesis. The 7EP-treated embryos failed to resorb the extraembryonic fluid and did not hatch. More detailed observations showed that processes like the maturational growth of the eye, the lengthening of the foregut and posterior displacement of the midgut, and the detachment of the E2 cuticle, were impaired after the 7EP treatment. Importantly, a treatment with a JH mimic subsequent to the 7EP treatment restored the correct maturation of both the eye and the gut. It is worth noting that the timing of JH mimic application was essential for correcting the defects triggered by the treatment with 7EP.

This is a relevant result in itself since the role of JH in insect embryogenesis is a controversial topic. It seems to have an important role in hemimetabolan embryogenesis, but not so much in holometabolans. Intriguingly, it appears important for hatching, an observation made in hemimetabolan and in holometabolan embryos. Knowing that this role was already present in ametabolans is relevant from an evolutionary point of view, and knowing exactly why embryos do not hatch in the absence of JH, is relevant from the point of view of developmental biology.

Then, the authors describe a series of experiments applying the JH mimic in early embryogenesis, before the natural peak of JH occurs, and its effects on embryo development. Observations were made under different doses of JHm, and under different temporal windows of treatment. Higher doses triggered more severe effects, as expected, and different windows of application produced different effects. The most used combination was 1 ng JHm applied 1.5 days AEL, checking the effects 3 days later. Of note, 1.5 days AEL is about 15% embryonic development, whereas the natural peak of JH occurs around 85% embryonic development. In general, the ectopic application of JHm triggered a diversity of effects, generally leading to an arrest of development. Intriguingly, however, a number of embryos treated with 1 ng of JHm at 1.5 days AEL showed a precocious formation of myofibrils in the longitudinal muscles. Also, a number of embryos treated in the same way showed enhanced chitin deposition in the E1 procuticle and showed an advancement of at least a day in the deposition of the E2 cuticle.

While the experiments and observations are done with great care and are very exhaustive, I am not sure that the results reveal genuine JH functions. The effects triggered by a significant pulse of ectopic JHm when the embryo is 15% of the development will depend on the context: the transcriptome existing at that time, especially the cocktail of transcription factors. This explains why different application times produce different effects. This also explains why the timing of JHm application was essential for correcting the effects of 7EP treatment. In this reasoning, we must consider that the context at 85% development, when the JH peaks in natural conditions and plays its genuine functions, must be very different from the context at 15% development, when the JHm was applied in most of the experiments. In summary, I believe that the observations after the application of JHm reveal effects of the ectopic JHm, but not necessarily functions of the JH. If so, then the subsequent inferences made from the premise that these ectopic treatments with JHm revealed JH functions are uncertain and should be interpreted with caution.

Those inferences affect not only the "JH and the progressive nature of embryonic molts" section, but also, the "Modifications in JH function during the evolution of hemimetabolous and holometabolous life histories" section, and the entire "Discussion". In addition to inferences built on uncertain functions, the sections mentioned, especially the Discussion, I think suffer from too many poorly justified speculations. I love speculation in science, it is necessary and fruitful. But it must be practiced within limits of reasonableness, especially when expressed in a formal journal.

Finally, In the section "Modifications in JH function during the evolution of hemimetabolous and holometabolous life", it is not clear the bridge that connects the observations on the embryo of Thermobia and the evolution of modified life cycles, hemimetabolan and holometabolan.

Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

In this manuscript, the authors use inhibitors and mimetics of juvenile hormone (JH) to demonstrate that JH has a key role in late embryonic development in Thermobia, specifically in gut and eye development but also resorption of the extraembryonic fluid and hatching. They then exogenously apply JH early in development (when it is not normally present) to examine the biological effects of JH at these stages. This causes a plethora of defects including developmental arrest, deposition of chitin, limb development, and enhanced muscle differentiation. The authors interpret these early effects on development as JH being important for the shift from morphogenetic growth to differentiation - a role that they speculate may have facilitated the evolution of metamorphosis (hemi- and holo-metaboly). This paper will be of interest to insect evo-devo researchers, particularly those with interests in the evolution of metamorphosis.

The experiments are generally conducted very well with appropriate controls and the authors have included a very detailed analysis of the phenotypes.
The manuscript significantly advances our understanding of Thermobia development and the role of JH in Thermobia development.
The authors interpret this data to present some hypotheses regarding the role of JH in the evolution of metamorphosis, some aspects of which can be addressed by future studies.

The results are based on using inhibitors and mimetics of JH and there was no attempt to discern immediate effects of JH from downstream effects. The authors show, for instance, that the transcription of myoglianin is responsive to JH levels, it would have been interesting to see if any of the phenotypic effects are due to myoglianin upregulation/suppression (using RNAi for example). These kinds of experiments will be necessary to fully work out if and how the JH regulatory network has been co-opted into metamorphosis.

The results generally support the authors' conclusions. However, the discussion contains a lot of speculation and some far-reaching conclusions are made about the role of JH and how it became co-opted into controlling metamorphosis. There are some interesting hypotheses presented and the author's speculations are consistent with the data presented. However, it is difficult to make evolutionary inferences from a single data point as although Thermobia is a basally branching insect, the lineage giving rise to Thermobia diverged from the lineages giving rise to the holo- and hemimetabolous insects approx.. 400 mya and it is possible that the effects of JH seen in Thermobia reflect lineage-specific effects rather than the 'ancestral state'. The authors ignore the possibility that there has been substantial rewiring of the networks that are JH responsive across these 400 my. I would encourage the authors to temper some of the discussion of these hypotheses and include some of the limitations of their inferences regarding the role of JH in the evolution of metamorphosis in their discussion.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation