Structure of the P-Rex1·IP4 complex in an autoinhibited conformation.
A) Cryo-EM reconstruction with atomic model superimposed. The kink between the DH and PH domains and the GTPase binding site are labeled. B) Atomic model without the cryo-EM map. C) The PH–4HB interface primarily involves the β1/β2 and β5/β6 loops of the PH domain, which were previously shown to be involved in protein-protein interactions in crystal structures (Cash et al., 2016), and the 4HB1 and 4HB2 helices of the 4HB domain. Flexible loops, including the basic β3/β4 loop of the PH domain involved in membrane binding (Cash et al., 2016), are shown as dashed lines. We speculate that this loop could interact with phosphorylated residues in the adjacent 4HB unstructured loop. D) Side chains in the PH–4HB interface. The 3-, 4-, and 5-position phosphates of bound IP4 are labeled. Note that PIP3 could not bind to the PH domain in this state due to steric blockade by the 4HB domain. The area of focus in (C) and (D) is circled in transparent grey in (B).