Heterozygous Kcnt1-Y777H expression differentially affects the intrinsic excitability of SST- and PV-expressing GABAergic neurons.
(A) A schematic diagram illustrates the strategy for generating fluorescently labeled GABAergic subtype-specific neurons. YH-HET mice were crossed to VIP-, SST-, or PV-Cre mice, and the resulting P0 WT and YH-HET littermate pups were used to isolate and culture cortical neurons. At DIV 1, neurons were infected with AAV-CamKII-GFP to label glutamatergic neurons, and AAV-hSyn-DIO-mCherry to label Cre-expressing neurons. At DIV 13–17, whole-cell, patch-clamp electrophysiology was performed on mCherry+/GFP- neurons. (B1-B3) On the left, representative responses to step currents are shown for VIP-, SST-, and PV-expressing WT (black) and YH-HET (colors) neurons (top to bottom). For each neuron type, the superimposed dark traces illustrate the input resistance (in response to a depolarizing step) and the rheobase (the first trace with an AP in response to a hyperpolarizing step), and the light trace shows the first step current response to induce repetitive AP firing across the step. Above the superimposed traces, the first AP of each rheobase trace is shown (same vertical scale, increased horizontal scale). On the right, bar graphs show quantification of the membrane properties and AP parameters for each neuron type (VIP, SST, and PV, top to bottom) for WT (grey) and YH-HET (colors) groups, with individual neuron measurements overlaid in scatter plots. The p-values are shown above each graph where p < 0.05. (C1-C3) For VIP-, SST-, and PV-expressing neurons (left to right), representative traces are shown at low, medium, and high current steps, and the line graphs below show the number of APs (mean ± SEM) per current injection step in WT (black) and YH-HET (colors) neurons. Statistical significance was tested using Generalized Linear Mixed Models, and p-values are shown above each graph where p < 0.05.