Association between estimated bioactive intake (flavan-3-ols, (–)-epicatechin and nitrate, based on 24h dietary recall and food composition data [DR-FCT method]) and systolic blood pressure at baseline (estimated difference between low [p10] and high [p90] intake and p-value for Wald-test (as -log10(p)) in men (purple), women (green) and all participants (red). Data are based on 10,000 simulations and adjusted for age, BMI, plasma vitamin C, smoking status, physical activity and self-reported health at baseline; additionally for menopausal status for women and sex for nitrate. Results based on intake estimated by simulating food content within minimum and maximum food content reported in databases (circle), intake based on mean food content as reported in databases (diamond) and intake based on biomarker data (|). 95% CI is shown for biomarker only.