(A) Estimates of aurochs ancestry (estimated using the 2 source model, if working and except for Mesolithic individuals) in directly dated Iberian samples over time. Error bars indicate one standard error for the 2 source models. Modern Iberian breeds with working 2 source models are added around date 0 with some vertical jitter. Approximate boundaries for the main sampling periods are indicated by dashed vertical lines. (B) Comparison of allele sharing of Iberian samples with aurochs and Anatolian domestic on the autosomes versus X chromosomes. Individuals were separated into three separate groups: Mesolithic samples, samples with admixed ancestry (sorted by autosomal f4 estimate), and individuals for which only the single source, domestic model fit the data. (C) qpAdm estimates of Aurochs ancestry in modern western European cattle breeds from the (26) dataset. Commercial breeds are marked with a “C”. The figure is only showing breeds with feasible and non-rejected two source models, all results are shown in Supplementary Information, Table S2. Error bars are showing block-jackknife estimates of the 95% confidence interval.