Figures and data

(A) Map of Europe showing the Iberian sampling sites (red circles, size proportional to sample sizes) and the sites for published aurochs genomes used in the analysis (blue diamonds). (B) NMDS ordination of nuclear data of Iberian samples considered B. taurus samples (orange), Iberian samples that were morphologically considered B. primigenius (red), other Iberian Bos samples (brown), ancient domestic cattle from the Balkans and Anatolia (yellow), and aurochs (blue). Data point shape corresponds to mitochondrial haplogroups. (C) f4 statistic measuring allele sharing of the Iberian samples with European aurochs (Bed3) or Anatolian Neolithic cattle (Sub1). The time periods displayed are contextual.

European aurochs ancestry proportions in post-Mesolithic Iberian Bos samples.
Square brackets are showing Block-jackknife estimates of the 95% confidence interval. f4 ratio and qpAdm are using Bed3 as source of European aurochs ancestry unless noted otherwise. Footnotes are added when deviations from the two source model were needed. Struct-f4 was run in semi-supervised mode to estimate ancestry in the Iberian samples with K=5 as the different ancestries separated at this point. Only individuals with at least 0.1x coverage were included in this analysis to ensure convergence. LNCA=Late Neolithic/Chalcolithic

(A) Estimates of aurochs ancestry (estimated using the f4 ratio with Bed3 as European aurochs source) in directly dated post-Mesolithic Iberian samples over time. Error bars indicate the 95% confidence interval. Modern Iberian whole-genome sequenced Lidia individuals are added around date 0 with some horizontal jitter. Approximate boundaries for the main sampling periods are indicated by dashed vertical lines.

Comparison of f4 ratio estimated aurochs ancestry of post-Mesolithic Iberian samples on the autosomes versus X chromosomes. Error bars indicate the 95% confidence interval.

qpAdm estimates of Aurochs ancestry in modern western European cattle breeds from the (27) dataset. Commercial breeds are marked with a “C”. The figure is only showing breeds with feasible and non-rejected two source models, all results are shown in Supplementary Information, Table S1. Error bars are showing block-jackknife estimates of the 95% confidence interval.