A model of intraspecific interference illustrates the rank-abundance curves across different ecological communities (SC ≫ SR).
The solid dots represent the experimental data (marked with “Exp”) reported in existing studies (Hubbell, 2001), (Holmes et al., 1986), (Cody et al., 1996), (Clarke et al., 2005), while the hollow dots and those with “+” center are the ODEs and SSA results constructed from timestamp t = 1.0 x 105 in the time series (see Appendix-fig. 13), respectively. In the model settings, SR = 3, SC = 20 (in (A)), 35 (in (B)), 40 (in (C)), 45 (in (D)) or 50 (in (E)). Di (i = 1, …, SC) is the only parameter varying with the consumer species, which was randomly drawn from a Gaussian distribution. The Shannon entropies of the experimental data and simulation results for each ecological community are: , , , , . In the K-S test, the p values that the simulation results and the corresponding experimental data come from identical distributions are: , , , , , , , , , . With a significance threshold of 0.05, none of the p values suggest there exists a statistically significant difference. The numerical results in (A-E) were simulated from Eqs. 1, 2, 4. In (A-E): ail = 0. 1, a’i = 0. 125, dil = 0.5. In (A): d’i = 0.3, wil = 0.2, kil = 0.12, κ 1 = 8x104, κ2 = 5X104, κ3 = 3x104, Di =0.021 x N(1,0.28) (i = 1, …, 20, l = 1,2, 3); ζ1 = 180, ζ2 = 160, ζ3 = 140. In (B): d’i = 0.6, wil = 0.2, kil = 0. 12, κ 1 = 8X104, κ2 = 5X104, κ3 = 3X104, Di = 0.017X N(1,0.3) (i = 1, …, 35, l = 1, 2,3); ζ1 = 180, ζ2 = 160, ζ3 = 110. In (C): d’i = 0.4, wil = 0.3, kil = 0. 12, κ1 = 105, κ2 = 5X104, κ3 = 3X104, Di = 0.023 X N(1, 0.34) (i = 1, …, 40, l = 1, 2, 3); ζ1 = 180, ζ2 = 120, ζ3 = 40. In (D): d’i = 0.3, wil = 0.3, kil = 0. 12, κ1 = 8X104, κ2 = 5X104, κ3 = 3X104, Di= 0.027X N(1, 0.32) (i = 1, …, 45, l = 1, 2, 3); ζ1 = 80, ζ2 = 60, ζ3 = 40. In(E): d’i = 0.3, wil = 0.3, kil = 0.2, κ1 =3X105, κ2 = 105, κ3 = 3X104, Di= 0.034X N(1,0.34) (i = 1, …,50, l = 1, 2, 3); ζ1 = 380, ζ2 = 260, ζ3 = 140.